Chapter 16: Ballroom Killing pt 3

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Artemis POV

•9:30 p.m.•

We finally arrive at the ball and the paparazzi are out tonight, sometimes I forget that mafia people are famous for their businesses and stuff like that.

I take a deep breath then go to get out the car but Lorenzo stops me with a hand on my arm

"Your new to the family, we get out first then we introduce you" I look down at his hand on my arm and then I look back at him

"Remove your hand from my arm" I say calmly and he does just that then I sit back down next to Marco and Luca

Waiting impatiently for them to all get out the car.

When they all finally get out I wait a couple of minutes then get out too

"Artemis Ferrari over here!" One of the paparazzi people yells and I turn my head and they just start snapping pictures left and right

Gotta love the attention

"What's your connection to the Russo family?" Someone ask pushing through the crowd to get somewhat close to me but out of nowhere Mike my bodyguard comes and pushes the person back

"Keep your distance while still asking questions and taking pictures" Mike shouts so everyone can hear him and then everyone nods their heads

"Artemis will you answer the question?"

"My connection to the Russo family won't be out anytime soon, so don't wait for it" I say then turn around to see the Russo's looking at me with faces full of questions

"Mike, escort me inside" I say then hold out my hand for him to grab

He grabs my hand then leads me inside the ball

"I need you to keep a lookout for anyone from the Russian mafia" I say to him and he just nods

"You see them tell me immediately" He nods his head once again then brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it

"Have fun tonight boss" Mike says then let's go of my hand and walks away

I see Mika and Gerald standing at the bar already throwing back shots without me, so I gather up some part of my dress then walk over to them

"Artemis, you look fabulous" Mika says over the boring classic music

"Thank you Mika, as do you" I say then kiss both of her cheeks

I turn around and look at Gerald

"Gerald you look very handsome" I straighten his bow tie and tap his cheek

"Hey babe" I turn around at the sound of a new voice and see this boy walk up to Mika and kiss her on the lips

I make a face then turn back to look at Gerald who just shrugs his shoulders and downs a shot.

"Mika who the hell is he, and why the fuck is he wearing my mafia's color?" I ask offended on why this strange looking boy is wearing black

"He's my date Artemis, so he has to wear black" Mika says then walks away with the boy

A waitress walks by with a tray full of champagne and I grab two glasses and down both of them then put them back onto the tray

"This is going to be a very long night" I say and shake my head

"Don't kill anyone Artemis" Gerald says then walks over to a man wearing a baby blue suit

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