Chapter 53: A date for information

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Artemis POV

"Artemis? Where are you?"

"In my closet" I answer and in walks Mika and Emma

"Ooh, where are you going?" Emma asked, watching me as I put on my white blazer over my black lacy top

"Out," I say

I'm eager to know what secrets Gerald hides so a little after Adrianna left, I called her and said that we are going on this strictly business date tomorrow at 10 o'clock sharp. I also told her to pick a place that serves strong liquor

"With whom?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows

Mika picks up my phone that happens to light up with a message before shockingly saying "Adrianna!"

"What?" Em' asks, grabbing my phone that Mika had in her hand

"No way, you're going out with her again. I thought it was a one-and-done" Mika says

I roll my eyes, snatching my phone from Emma's hands

"Mind yours," I say, sitting down on my ottoman to put on my black stilettos

"Well, I guess we need to call the babysitter" At that I look up at the two annoying girls and notice they are wearing clubbing clothes

Mika is wearing a black cropped shirt with a skirt that leaves little to the imagination while Emma is wearing something with a little more coverage, she's wearing a black cropped shirt with a low-rise jean skirt.

"Scandalous," I say, pointing to Mika's outfit

She gasped "That's not true!"

"It kinda is" Emma chimes in

"Well you should've told me, I'm going to change"

"I did tell you and don't change, we don't have any time for that. I need to call the babysitter" Em' pushes past Mika leaving my closet

"Well have fun on your outing" Mika soon leaves too

Finally, alone again

I get up from my ottoman to stare at myself in this full-body mirror

Cute or too much? I ask myself, smoothing out my straightened hair

Maybe I should've left it in its natural state. Now I think my head looks big with my hair straightened

'Oh come on, it's not a real date. Who cares if your outfit is too much or if your head is big? It's not real, you just going for information'

'Don't forget the task'

'Now ask the girl for the address'

Grabbing my phone then calling Adrianna

"Can you send the address?" I ask, as soon as she picks up

"I'm on the way to pick you up," she says

"Okay" I sigh "Call or text whenever you get here"

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