Chapter 29: The big plan

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Artemis POV

"So what's the plan?" Gerald ask me while I just sit at my desk and sip my tea

Unfortunately I don't have a plan, my only plan is to get them home but that's as far as it goes

"So..." he says again

"I don't know Gerald. Do you have a plan?" I ask

He looks at me and sighs then walks out of my office

"You really don't have a plan?" Marco ask

I forgot they were here. After our heart to heart moment they all decided to stay and help. I don't want their help because their is a chance that Igor and Ivan find out I care about them and if that happens then they'll kill them.

"I don't Marco but I need to have one. I can't wait to get them"

I explained the whole thing to the Russo's, they understand but they don't understand. I didn't tell them everything but I told them who kidnapped them and why they were kidnapped

"Why don't you just go to Russia and get them?" Marco suggest

"That isn't a good suggestion Marco. Please just be quiet" I mumble and continue sipping my tea

He doesn't continue but I can tell he's still thinking about more questions to ask

"Artemis-" Mike swings open my door and pauses

"Oh, their still here" he sighs

Yup... and I'm unfortunately still here too

"Gerald said you don't have a plan but I have one" he states and carefully walks over to me

I go to sip my tea but I realize that it's gone

"I don't want to here your plan" Mike is very dumb so his plan will be too

I'm starting to slowly agree with Marcos plan. I might just go to Russia and get them, Igor and Ivan aren't stupid enough to come back to New York with them.

"Artemis come on" Mike whines "Hear my plan out"

"No, I think I already have one. Go find Gerald and tell him to meet in the meeting room" I say, standing up out of my seat and rounding my desk

"Should I tell Arlen and Miles?" Mike ask

I nod and look over at the Russo's

"Follow me" I say to all of them once Mike left my office

Everyone starts getting up but I don't wait for them to follow me, I walk over of my office then turn down the hallway and walk towards my meeting room.

Gerald and Mike are about to be very upset with me but Marco was right, we need to go to Russia for them. There is a huge possibility that they are waiting for me but it'll just be something we handle later.

I quickly get pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of a whole bunch of footsteps. Once I reach the meeting room double glass doors, I pull them I open and walk inside.

"Why did you want us to follow you in here?" Marco ask from behind me

"Sit down" I say, completely ignoring his question

Walking to the right of the room and then turning around to face them while everyone begins to pull out a seat then sit down in it. Mike, Miles, Gerald, and Arlen then walk inside

"I thought this was just us boss lady" Mike says while taking a seat

"It was going to be but never mind that, I have a plan but first Gerald I need you to hand me paper and pen" I say

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