Chapter 14: Ballroom Killing pt 1

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Artemis Pov

I finally arrive back at my new home and walk into the kitchen for some water "Artemis" I turn around a little surprised to see the whole Russo family sitting around the kitchen island

"Why are y'all sitting there like it's an A.A. meeting?" I ask looking at Marco who's trying not to laugh

"Sit down Artemis, we are going to have a talk" Thena says pulling out a chair right next to Marco and I sit down in it

"Where did you got?" Lorenzo ask looking me in the eyes and I stare right back at him "To the beach with Mika and our other friend that you don't know, his name is Gerald" I say and Lorenzo face turns sour

"So you where out being a whore" he says and Ace smacks him in the back of the head

"First Gerald is gay, second Mika is the whore and I'm just a hoe. There's a big difference between the two" I say and then I lean my head on Marco's shoulder because I'm so tired

"Oh" is all he says then he just shuts up. About time asking all these questions like he's my brother or something

"Before we talk about the rules, I wanted to tell you there is a ball tomorrow night and we want you to come with us because you are now apart of the family" Thena says with a smile and I just look at her with wide eyes

So now I have to go with them, and go with my mafia well that's going to be much fun.

"Do I have to go?" I ask hoping she'll say no

"You have to go" Ace says before Thena could

"Okay" I say about to roll my eyes but don't because I'm learning not to be rude

"Rule One: Please tell us when you leave the house and when you might be back, if you leave before anyone is awake please leave a note on your door or tell one of the guards. Rule Two: When you do leave take one of the guards with you for protection. Rule Three: Don't and I repeat Don't go in the basement without permission and don't go to the fifth floor. Rule Four: Don't fuck in the house it's nasty and nobody wants to hear moaning. Rule Five: Artemis this rule is just for you, you have to attend high school." When Thena says the last rule I look at her like she's lost her mind

"What why?" I ask still looking at her weird

"Because you are sixteen and you have to be in high school" That's all she says before giving everyone a kiss on the head including me which definitely makes me feel a little weird and then she walks upstairs

"But I already graduated high school and college" I mumble and get up from my seat

"Good, so this should be easy for you" Ace says patting my head then walking upstairs with Thena

This is so stupid

I don't say anything else and just walk upstairs to my room, opening my room door then turning on my lights I see Salem sleeping on my bed.

Gently closing my door behind me I slowly walk up to Salem and give him a kiss, then I walk in my bathroom to start getting all my hair wash stuff ready for the shower. Turning on the shower I start to strip of my clothes

Then I get into the shower and start washing all the ocean water and sand out my hair.

Four Hours later:

I'm finally done with washing and doing my hair. Now I'm laying down next to Salem with my bonnet on while watching First Kill again.

When suddenly I hear my room door start to open, I lay completely still on my bed, I start to feel around underneath my pillow for my gun but I realize it's not under it

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