Chapter 9: Trying to Convince

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Artemis Pov

"So do we convince Emma to leave?" Mika asks sitting on the bed with Gerald standing at the room door. I sign and shake my head

"Emma wants to stay so she can stay, remember Mika she's an adult so she won't listen to us," I say looking at her

"So we're just going to let her stay with baby teo?" Mika asks again

"Mika yes we have to that's her baby we can't take him away from her," I say harshly because she just doesn't get it we can not force her to come back home where she actually belongs.

If she wants to stay with her mother who is addicted to crack and meth then whatever she can stay

"Artemis please" Mika pleas

"We'll try to convince her today but we leave here tomorrow night no if, ands, or buts" She hugs me tightly and whispers thank you in my ear then leaves the room

"Artemis you can't," Gerald says but I just shake my head at him

"Why not? Her mom is no good and you know it" I whisper rubbing my head

"People can change," Gerald says walking over to me and sitting on the bed right beside me. I scoff "Not overnight and she was addicted to the big bad drugs. We know how bad they are and how long they take to get over. For fucks sake we sell those types of drugs"

"You're overthinking it Artemis, you've seen Emma she definitely can hold her own especially because her son is involved" I guess he's right but we are still going to try and convince her

I lay my head on his shoulder, I'm too young for this type of responsibility sometimes it feels like too much. I just need a break.

Getting up from the bed and kissing Gerald on the forehead then getting up and going into the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror "Who am I?" I ask myself.

Yes I am a mafia donna and I am an assassin but outside of that, I'm just a teenager with a whole bunch of trauma.

"Gerald, can you pass me my pills?" I ask opening the bathroom door just to find Gerald gone so I walk over to my suitcase and open it up, grabbing my three pill bottles and taking two out of each one. First I take my antidepressants, then I take my anger pills, and lastly, I take my pills for the headaches.

After taking all those drugs I sit down on the bathroom floor and stare at the wall.

'Artemis I know you didn't think those pills were going to do something'

'No Deianira I didn't, please don't start'

I ignore any more of Deianira's stupid comments and just sit in silence while still staring at the bathroom wall

Ten minutes later:

"Artemis you okay?" Mika asks knocking on the bathroom door "I'm fine" I yell standing up from the bathroom floor and pull the door open, seeing Mika standing there with a concerned look

"You took all your pills at once?" Mika asks peaking around me to see all my pill bottles on the sink "You're not supposed to do that" I shrug my shoulders and walk out of the bathroom and out of the room

"I'm fine Mika please let's worry about Emma. Is teo here?" I ask her walking down the stairs "Yes" she says walking past me and over to Gerald

I continue walking downstairs and see Matteo standing by the couch "Auntie" Matteo waddles over to me with just his diaper on

"Hi, teo" I pick him up and give him so many kisses to the point where he starts giggling. Emma's mom looks at me and waves with a big smile, I just nod at her with a half smile, and her smile drops then she turns back to talk with Emma.

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