Chapter 45: Two months Later

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Artemis POV

It's been two months. Two months since everything went wrong and somewhat right in my life. It's been two months since I brought my family back home safely, two months since I told the Russo's about my damaged passed, two months since I killed Nick Nikolaev.

At lot can happen in two months, and a lot did. For once I can finally say I'm truly happy with my life.

I cut ties with the Russo family. I had to or that's what I keep telling myself that I had to. It was good that I did but cutting ties with them meant I had to do a lot of things like move out of their house. The place that was starting to feel like home, something I don't see as a place but as people. I am now living with Mika, Mike, Emma and Matteo, Gerald, Arlen, and Miles.

Surprisingly, life is good... for now at least. The Russians have been quiet about everything

You'd think since I killed their son that they would be after me but they aren't and I couldn't be happier.

Everyone is doing their own thing: Mika has gone back to school, Emma has been training to take Adam's place as one of my personal hackers, Mike will officially be my third in command after completing the ten trials, Gerald is being... you know Gerald. He has been a little bit more hovery lately, Arlen and Miles have been annoying since the day I asked them to live with me. I'm not sure why I asked, everyday I see them do something stupid I immediately realize how big of a mistake I made.

As for 'Em's mother and her little Russian incident, we try not to talk about it. When the team Gerald set to recover that knife, I confirmed that the knife indeed belonged to the Russian mafia.

I don't know where her mother is now and quite frankly I don't care. I know deep down 'Em cares, she just doesn't show it

"Aunty!" Matteo comes running over to me with Arlen chasing after him

"That kid-" Arlen pauses, bending over out of breath "is fast"

"Isn't he" I chuckle, picking him up and resting him on my left hip

"Shouldn't you put him on your other hip?" She ask, suddenly not out of breath anymore

Let me scratch that about just Gerald being hovery, it's everyone. Ever since I got shot and I guess almost died, they have been up my ass about everything. 'Artemis, you shouldn't lift that yet, let me do it' or 'Hey be careful, you don't want to pop your stitches.' They even took it as far as telling me I can't shoot a gun or play with my knifes

It's like I'm living with several hovering parents. I think parents hover anyway, not like I ever had any

"It's been a month Arlen, I can held picking up a small child" I say

She slowly nods, still eyeing me before walking over to the fridge

"Wash your hands before going into the fridge Arlen!" I shout while walking into the living room

Matteo starts pre-k soon. If you were to ask him how he feels about it, he'd yell and run. He's still in his screaming phase, at times it can be cute and funny, other times it'll make you want to rip your ears off.

Life is good. I know I said that already, it's just I can't believe that life is good for once in my lifetime.

Surprisingly, I am still in therapy. Once a week I go and talk about my past, my birth-mother, and the family I was so lucky to find... And a little bit about my nonexistent love life. Me and my therapist have grown close, she told me that I should pick up a hobby. She told me famous people should have hobbies, besides making money or going to fashion shows or doing whatever it is that we do.

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