Chapter 4: Dont cheat

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Artemis pov

I've been stuck in this stupid little hospital with the Russo family and I'm hungry, bored, and ready to kill somebody

I've even tried to call Emma to check on her but I can't even do that because they all take turns watching me and making sure I'm, okay, It's nice to have people care but damn I didn't want them to care that much

"Hello my bisexual bitch" Mika walks in ignoring all the stares coming her way

"I brought flowers and ice cream" she throws the bag I'm guessing has ice cream in it then takes off her shoes and jumps in my hospital bed with me, snuggling all up on me

"How did you know I was here?" I asked grabbing the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a spoon out of the bag

"Because you didn't turn your phone tracker off and I saw that bitch Ruby and you were nowhere to be found, so I knew something was up," she says patting herself on the back

"Um, who are these people Artemis?" She asked looking around at the Russo looking ready to cuss them out for giving her an evil look

"They are the Russo family, my new family I guess and I'm supposed to live with them," I say

"Nooo, what about me and Emma coming over to your house playing music and you cooking for us?"

"That can still happen Mika, I'll still be at my house I didn't spend millions on it for no reason," I say patting her head

"You paid millions of dollars on your house?" Marco the nosy person ever asked with a shocked face

"Yea and?" I asked rolling my eyes

"Damn if I spent that much I wouldn't go anywhere"

"I have no chose dummy, if I don't go then my social worker ivy would have people come to my house and have people drag me out of the house," I say eating my ice cream and ignoring the rest of their questions

"Where's Emma and my nephew?" I asked turning to see Mika eyeing Lorenzo

"She went to Ireland to see her mother, and her father is nowhere to be seen so she's safe" I nod my head continuing to eat my ice cream when someone clears their throat

"Artemis introduced us to your friend," Marco says looking at Mika while she just stares at Lorenzo

Welp, she will break his heart I just won't be the one to tell him that

"Ugh I fucking guess, Mika this is Lorenzo, Marco, emerald, Luca, Xavier and he also has a twin named Xander I think, and those two are Thena and Ace," I say pointing every one of them out

"Did I miss anyone, no great" after I say that a doctor comes walking in

Oh my I can't even eat my ice cream in peace, I hate it here

"Artemis nice to see you rested up nicely," the doctor says taking the iv out of my arm

"Well I had no choice you gave me drugs," I said nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders

"Yeah you're free to go Artemis we didn't find any reason why you passed out and stopped breathing, but just in case you feel a headache coming take these pills and if your headache doesn't go away come back to the hospital," the doctor says then puts these big ass pills in my hand

"No thanks doc I have enough drugs at home," I say laughing but taking the pills anyway and getting out the bed walking into the bathroom

Finally getting away from these smothering but nice people I guess

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