Chapter 10: Déjà Vu

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Artemis Pov

"Artemis, wake up... Mika and Emma are arguing" I hear Gerald say in my ear "Then handle it I'm tired G" I groan turning over on my back

I hear him sigh then I hear the room door open and close "Finally" turning back on my stomach to fall back asleep but then I hear the door open and some whisper following "I thought you were handling it" I say turning back over and sitting up in bed.

"Auntie, mommy and auntie fight," Matteo says with a guilty-looking Gerald standing by the room door

"Okay baby," I say kissing his cheek and getting out of bed

I stick my middle finger at Gerald and pick up Matteo then walk out of my room and down the stairs halfway down I hear Mika say "Well Artemis and I have been there for you since day one so excuse me if I think we should have a say in what you do because you always make terrible decisions" then I hear a glass shatter

"I wouldn't need to make these bad decisions if you and Artemis didn't put me in an awkward position to have to choose. I want to stay with my mother because I can maybe if you had a mom, Mika you'd understand" I see Emma yell in Mika's face, I'm kind of taken aback by what she said

I cover Matteo's ears as I walk closer over to them "What the fuck is wrong with you guys!" I yell and they turn their attention to me "It's 7 in the morning and y'all are having a yelling match over what?" I ask interested on why they are yelling we had a good day yesterday and this is what I'm woken up to.

"Well because Mika just won't accept my decision on staying here, so I yelled at her for always thinking she knows what's best for me," Emma says taking a sip of water and Mika rolls her eyes then starts to clean up the broken glass

"Where's your mother?" I ask again "She's out," Emma says

"Why would you talk about her mother Emma? Her mom abandoned her but your mom left you for drugs, which is worse?" I ask looking at both of them they need to feel ashamed for talking about each other's mom like that

"And your mom sold you to the Russian mafia for money and drugs Artemis that's worse" Emma says then immediately puts a hand over her mouth "Artemis I didn't.." I hold my hand up

"I'm going to hang out with my nephew and then we are leaving" I say turning around and walking the stairs then into the room

"Auntie your mad at mommy?" Matteo ask as I sit him on the bed

"I am" I say walking over to my suitcase and pulling out my cable green knit bra top with black straight bell bottoms and Noreen platform boots, the stuff I bought yesterday

I just can't believe she said something like that to me and Mika. Yes Mika most definitely said some very shitty stuff, but she had no right to talk about something very touchy to me. Emma will always forgive her mom even if she was to do drugs tomorrow, but me and Mika don't have moms to forgive.

Whatever I understand she was arguing with Mika and only Mika but she didn't have to put me in the middle of there bullshit.

"Auntie why mad at mommy?" Matteo ask pulling me away from my very negative thoughts "Because mommy said some mean stuff to auntie" I say turning on the tv to team umi zomi

"Auntie you still wove me?" He ask looking at me with the biggest eyes ever and tickle him a bit then give him a kiss on the head "Of course teo" I say then grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom making sure to leave the door open so I can hear if anything happens

I take off my clothes and get into the steaming hot shower

"Mommy where are we going?" I ask as my mom pulls me over to a mean looking man "It's alright honey your going to go with this nice man" she says giving me a kiss then pushing me over to the man

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