Chapter 24: "I'm sorry"

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Adrianna POV

*Don't play the song yet*

I finally arrive at the restaurant, getting out my car and handing my keys to the parking attendant

Then I walk into the restaurant

"Hello Ms. Sage. Please make your way towards the rooftop restaurant, your guests is waiting for you" The manager of the restaurant says while pointing over towards the steps that lead to the rooftop

I nod and go to walk upstairs. Peaking through the door that separates the rooftop restaurant from the regular restaurant, I see Artemis in a very beautiful red velvet corset with milk white pants and a pair of red velvet stilettos.

I start to get a little sweaty upon seeing her in such divine clothes

"I can feel your eyes burning into me, Adrianna. Stop being creepy and come out here" Artemis says then looks at the door

I quickly clear my throat then pull the door open and walk onto the rooftop

"You look divine" I whisper and walks over to the table

"As do you" is all Artemis says before a waiter walks over with a bottle of white wine

"Thank you" Artemis says as the waiter pours her a half glass

"A little more please" Artemis makes the gesture with her fingers

She continues to do so until the waiter fills her glass all the way to the top

"I'll have the same amount as her" I say and the waiter also tops my glass as well

Artemis looks at me with nothing but surprise

The waiter then walks away and we both just start sipping our wine while staring at each other

"How are you?" I ask, trying to lighten up the awkward atmosphere

"I'm fine, and you" Artemis says setting down her wine glass

"Good" I say and then it quickly goes back to an awkward silence

Artemis begins to shift uncontrollably in her seat

"Um. I know this question may not be first date approved but can I know about your life" I ask but then quickly realizes my mistake as soon as Artemis rolls her eyes

"Look it up, my life is all over the internet... well some of my life anyway" She mutters then grabs her wine glass and takes a big gulp

"I'm sorry that wasn't an appropriate question"I shakes my head

I did the one thing the girl told me not to do.

If this date wasn't already fucked it's definitely fucked now

The waiter walks back over and the awkwardness quickly fades

"Would you like to order?" The waiter ask while holding a pen and paper

"We aren't ready yet" Artemis says, waving him away

He gulps then slides his pen and paper back into his apron and walks away

"Why ask me on a date, if you aren't going to talk?"

"Look at yourself Artemis, who wouldn't ask you on a date." I say

Artemis chuckles then leans backwards in her seat

"If you wanted to fuck me, you should've just said that" she says

"Well I didn't want to fuck you... yet... I wanted to take you on a date and just talk with you but now that we are here I'm nervous" I mutter then grab my wine and take a big gulp to stop myself from embarrassing myself anymore

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