Chapter 30: The Russian effect

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Artemis POV

I finished grouping my people, hopeful this all works out.

It is around 12pm, I'm still sitting in my office, staring at the wall. Gerald has yet to come tell me if the American and German mafia are giving us guys or not.

I know he's upset with me right now but he needs to put his anger aside for them because they need us right now more than ever. They need us to rescue them and we can't do that if he's upset about this plan-

I get pulled away from my thoughts at the sound of my phone vibrating on my desk. Looking down at it I see Adrianna calling

Twice in one day. I must be special

Answering the call before I have the chance to speak she sighs into the phone "Why?"

"Why what?" I ask

"Why did my dad just get a call from your second in command saying that you need some guys?" She sighs once again

"Because I need some guys" I say

"I understand that but we aren't your ally that way. I supply you drugs and that's it" she says

Now it's my turn to sigh

"With all due respect Adrianna my second in command did not ask you for your guys, he asked your father the don"

"Why do you need them anyway?" She ask, skipping right over what I just said

I'm annoyed enough right now and she's making it so much worse

"To replace the people who are being benched" I mumble, rolling my eyes

"Why are they being benched?" She ask once again

"Because they have a family and I do not want them apart of this dangerous mission"

"But you want my dad's guys to be apart of this dangerous mission, correct?"

"Correct Adrianna" I sigh

Lord knows I hate being questioned over and over and over again

"Okay, I'll tell me dad that I want to be one of the guys" she says then before I could protest she hangs up the phone

Fucking hell. Now I'll have to look after her which is something I didn't want. Hopefully her dad says no

I set my phone back on my desk and stare back at the well.

I'll need to take all my pills before we go, I don't want an headache, I don't want to start feeling depressed, and I can't let my anger get the bested of me. Lord knows that if it does then I will not focus on getting them home instead I'll go straight for Ivan and Ruby.

"Knock, knock" Gerald says while knocking on the door

Before I could say come in he just walks on in with a two cups of hot tea

"What's this for?" I ask, sitting up straight in my seat

He sits down in front of me and hands me the cup of tea.

"For breaking the iPad, for dismissing your stupid plan, and for just being an ass." He says then takes a sip of his tea

Yeah my plan may be stupid but its the best we got

Gerald looks up at me and sighs "What made you think of something like that? Russia has so many terrible memories, why would you want to go back there?"

More questioning, sometimes I regret making him my second in command

"I don't want to go back there Gerald, terrible memories are all over Russia but I don't want Mika and Emma to go through what we went through and that's what will happen if we leave them there long enough" I say then take a big sip of my hot tea

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