Chapter 56: Good things never last long

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Artemis POV

Once we got to the penthouse we both went our separate ways. Adrianna went upstairs while I went into the kitchen to sit on my phone.

I accessed the camera footage from the house again but this time I opened the camera that was in the living room. All the glass has been cleaned up forensic experts are taking pictures of shoe prints, bloody hand prints, and samples of hair and blood.

In the process of watching the forensics collect their samples the door to the penthouse is opened

"We have arrived!" I hear Mike say

"In the kitchen," I say back

A whole bunch of footsteps are heard making their way into the kitchen

"So how did your talk go?" I ask, setting my phone down

Mike takes a deep breath before speaking "We gave them the basic rundown on what happened, and they said they'll be cautious"


"What about you? Are the police still at the house?" He asks

I sigh "Unfortunately, yes. They also managed to find the mafia warehouse"

"I take it that means all the documents are being sent out as we speak?" I nod

He and Gerald both sigh

"Go do your own thing, once everyone else gets back we'll have a proper meeting," I say

"Alright" he walks away but Gerald stays

I look over at him then roll my eyes "What do you want?"

"Nothing... just a few words spoken between the two of us," he says

"I would prefer the few words to be you telling me about why you went M.I.A for a week" I smuggle say

He awkwardly rocks back and forth on his feet

"Exactly" I usher him to leave the kitchen and once he does that I go back on my phone

Instead of accessing the cameras, I go on the Russian news website, just to check on some things. I haven't been up here in a while

I scroll through, looking for anything that can tell me what the Nikolaev family has been up to but nothing pops up.

Huffing out of frustration and slamming my phone down on the kitchen island. I put my face in my hands

Why is this fucking happening?

Everything I've worked so hard to achieve seems like it's all coming down from just one innocent person being killed.

Just fucking one!

Everything will crash down if the police find anything that points me and my business to any illegal activities. Just one illegal activity that's backed up with proof will be enough to take all my hard work down.

I'm just glad they haven't put it in the news yet

"Artemis!" I hear everyone in the house shout. The shouting is followed by multiple footsteps

"What?" I ask, turning around to face everybody.

Adrianna, Mike, Emma, and Gerald stand in front of me waving their phones in my face, trying to explain what's happening. I reach for the phone close to me and read what's on it

My eyes skimp over the screen until it lands on the title of an article "The youngest multi-trillion in the world has been caught in a devastating murder scandal."

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