Chapter 63: "Your father asked me to keep an eye on you"

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Artemis POV

"What are we going to do?" Emerald asks, breaking the tense silence

Max and Eleanor walked into the room and fucked everything up. I already had things to think about and plans to make but now, I have to go back to square one, since Igor planted a Russian soldier in the police department, that said the soldier is the reason why the detectives have this so-called 'evidence'.

"This is a fucking shit show!" Miles sighs

"What do we do? Do we kidnap him and kill him or-" I cut Arlen off

"You want to kidnap and kill a police officer! Are you crazy?" I ask

Yes, he may be a Russian soldier under the control of Igor but he is still legally an officer.

"So what do you suppose we do?" She asks

I sigh, letting my head fall in my hands

"I have an idea" I hear Declan say

Who invited him into this conversation?

"You do?" Arlen ask

"Yes, I do-"

"Yeah and what is that, leaving?" I sarcastically ask

"No, I now see that no matter how much I try to convince you to leave you won't," he says, walking more into the room

"My idea is to ambush him. You and your most trusted people will go to his house while he's there then strike when he's most vulnerable. You'll then bring him back here, question him, and then kill him" he says, clapping his hands at the end of his oh-so-amazing idea

"Yeah, such a good idea but you would know that we already said kidnapping him isn't a good idea. Next time ease drop a little bit harder" I say, waving him off

I turn to look at Arlen, Miles, and Emerald and I notice that they seem to be thinking about it

"You three! Stop it, his plan won't work" I say, trying to get them to snap out of it when Arlen's face lights up

"I got it! His idea is a good one there is just a small flaw. We don't know where he is or anything about him for that matter, all we know is that he's a Russian soldier who's under the control of Igor and that information itself isn't enough to get him talking. We'd need to do some digging, lots and lots of digging. So, Emerald, I'm going to give you my touchpad, it's this small unnoticeable device that you can put on anything, all you need to do is put the touchpad on his phone so I can get his fingerprint, and boom we can find some information about him" she says, with a small smirk

"No, this won't work!" I exclaim

Why isn't anyone opening their ears and listening to the words coming from my mouth?!

"It will work, Emerald just has to do this one thing, and then it a go," Declan says, Arlen and Miles agreeing with him

"Right, all she has to do is put the touchpad onto his phone and say she does it, say she manages to get ahold of his phone and place the touchpad onto it. He's a Russian soldier, do you think he won't notice that we are on to him, do you think that he didn't realize leaving Eleanor and Max alive with the fact that they saw his face and knew what he took and knowing they were going to most definitely come and tell me without having a backup plan? You think he's dumb?" I ask, standing up from my seat

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