Chapter 19: Killing for a little bit of fun

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Artemis Pov

•12:30 p.m.•

We are all sitting inside the car on the way to an ice cream shop because Mika wanted us to eat ice cream and have fun.

I don't really care what we do, I just need to kill someone afterwards. Maybe two people, the urges to kill every once in a while are coming back, maybe it's because of everything that happened at the ball or because I just like the feeling of blood on my hands, either way I need to kill someone.

Well we finally arrive at the ice cream shop and everyone gets out of the car first while I just get out the car last, then we all walk into the shop

"Artemis are you okay?" Marco bumps my shoulder as Mika starts to order her ice cream

"Yeah.. just thinking" I say, clearing my throat

"Okay, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" Marco ask, I look at him in the eyes to see if he means it and he definitely does but I'm just not ready

"I'll talk when I'm ready to. Now go order your ice cream" I say then pat his back

He walks over to the lady behind the counter and orders mint chocolate chip ice cream in a chocolate cone

Fucking weirdo

Gerald and Mike both order chocolate chip ice cream and then I walk up to the counter

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady ask giving me a big smile

"Can I have chocolate chip cookie dough in a cone" I say and she nods then start putting my ice cream into a cone

"Thank you" I say then I put my hand into one of my blazer jacket pockets and pull out a twenty dollar bill

Handing it to the nice lady, she hands me my ice cream then goes to put the money into the cash register and she try's to give me my charge put I push the money back into her hands

"Keep it" I say then walk away towards the group

"There's a park right down the street, we should walk down there as we eat our ice cream" Mika suggests, we all agree and walk out the ice cream shop

'Kill someone'

'We are in public'

'I don't give a damn, I'm ready to kill someone'

'No Deianira'


I stop walking and hold my head

"Artemis you alright?" Marco ask, putting a hand on my back


"Oh маленький дьявол, you'll be fucking fine" Nick says as I start to throw up in the garbage

"No, you tried to kill me" I say, wiping my mouth

He laughs then puts his hand on my back

"If I wanted to kill you then you'd be fucking dead" Nick says in a very stern tone

I push him off of me then go to walk away but he harshly grabs me by the arm then slam me into the wall next to him

"Ugh" I groan, he pulls me off the wall then slam me back into it

"Don't you ever walk away when I'm talking to you. You hear me маленький дьявол!?" Nick shouts then he goes to slam me back into the wall but Alana his sister walks in and he stops

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