Chapter 71: Birth and Death

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Artemis POV

Henry Nolan is slumping out of the chair he's tied to with drool on his face and his head cocked back.

I see those drugs did a number on him. "How will we wake him?" Miles ask

I'll wake him how Igor used to wake me. Ice cold water. There is a bucket already filled to the brim right next to him, some ice cubes are floating around in it too

"Проснись, солдат!" I shout, pouring the cold water onto him

He jumps up, getting into position "Сэр да сэр!" Henry falls back into his chair instantly after.

Yeah, that high doesn't wear off fast

"Are you ready to talk today?" I ask, setting the bucket back down

Nolan looks at me, nodding his head back and forth as if he just recognized who I am "Little devil?"

I tsk "Finally, you recognize me, soldier"

I suppose I'm to play the part I'm always portrayed as— Igor's prodigy, little devil. Nolan is shocked at first but his shocked reaction is delayed

"How was your high?" I ask

"I-I didn't quite like it" he pauses "It felt weird being high again"

"What does Igor have planned for Gerald?!" Miles bursts out

That's subtle Miles. Real fucking subtle

"Gerald? Whose Gerald?" Henry slurs. Is he still high? The drugs should've worn off already

"Слабый мальчик" I mumble. His eyes sparkle like they did when I mentioned his husband. Is that a good thing or bad?

"Oh, him." He chuckles

"Igor, my boss, he wants слабый мальчик out of the way so he can have you. He wants his little devil to come back home and he will do everything until your his again. He'll take everyone you love anyway until you're all alone and crawling back to him" he mutters, throwing his head back and groaning

"Is there a way to stop слабый мальчик from going to jail?"

"No little devil, no—" he stops speaking and itches his arm, right in the spot that I injected him in

"You can get more if you answer my questions!" I slam my hand down onto the empty water bucket, causing him to jump

"Okay but you need to promise to give me more"

"I promise"

"There is no way. Igor's plan is flawless. The judge and jury are planted as well as the evidence. Gerald is going to prison for a long time" he says. The look on his face tells me he's telling the truth

Igor's plan does sound flawless, that's what scares me. It sounds like Gerald will go to prison and I don't think I'll be able to stop it

A buzzing noise comes from behind me but I ignore it and focus on the soldier in front of me

"Please, I need the drugs" he pleads

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