Chapter 36: Failure Girl

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Ok enjoy :)
You're such a failure.

Such a failure girl.

You'll never impress your parents.

You'll never make them proud.

You're worthless.

Nobody likes yo-
"*Sigh* Okay, okay, shut up." Miyu told Montaro through the phone call. "I think I get it now."

"You know how the plan will go now?" Montaro asked, trying to reassure that Miyu actually understood everything. "Yeah. You didn't hear me, idiot? What are you, deaf?" Miyu mocked as she nodded.

"Right...Alright then. I'll see you back at home?" Montaro said. "Yeah, whatever." Miyu replied in an annoyed tone as she hangs up the call, sighing afterwards.

She puts her phone into her jacket's pocket and then walked home. While she was walking, she noticed something. A child with his older sister and parents. They seem happy. Miyu felt one thing after seeing them.


That was the only thing she felt as she frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. How come they can be happy while she can't? How unfair.

In every single timeline she's in, it always ends up the same; Her parents divorce from each other, Montaro would act like a bitch towards her mom, and in the end of the day, Miyu grew to hate others.

She does have friends, but lately, she's not even sure if they care about her anymore.

She's such a failure.

A failure girl.
Saturday, 3 Sep 20XX
08:45 AM


Hibiki: r u ok

Iroha: How would you guys feel if someone decided to mock and bully you and tell you that your talentless?

Yamato: Iroha? You good?

Yamato: To answer your question btw: I'd feel sad tbh :(

Hibiki: i'd feel like shit

Hibiki: you ok Ro-ro??

Iroha: Probably no.

Hajime: Who hurt you?

Iroha: Nobody.

Iroha: Someone just decided to walk up to me and tell me that i'm an awful painter and stuff like that.

Hibiki: that means there is somebody Ro-ro...

Iroha: Mhm.

Nikei: im gonna punch whoever did that.

Emma: Violence isn't always the answer, Nikei!

Kanade: what.

Kanade: the.

Kanade: fuck.

Kanade: what do they look like?

Iroha: Um, blonde hair, pink eyes.

Yamato: Oh......

Yamato: UM BRB

Hibiki: HUH

Hibiki: whatever, ok ig
DMs Between Yamato & Teruya
Saturday, 3 Sep 20XX
08:49 AM

Yamato: TEEUYA

Yamato: TERUYA



Teruya: WTF ISI T

Yamato: [Screenshot of the text message from the 'WTF' group chat.]

Teruya: holy shit?

Teruya: could it be the girl that tao and taru met when they were in enoshima inc???

Yamato: I think so

Yamato: Idk man, blonde hair and pink eyes??? Sounds suspicious

Teruya: ofc she has blonde hair and pronouns 🙄

Yamato: BRUH 😭😭😭😭

Teruya: ill send this to taro, maybe he and harumi-chan can do something abt it

Yamato: Ye sure
Oh noooo

Ok bye for now :)

A New Hope Arises...I Guess - DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic (Ver. 2)! (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now