Chapter 129: Reconcilation

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Haruki tries his best to reconcile with Haruto.
"Haruto! Haruto! HARUTO!!!" Haruki-kun called out, looking around in the empty space in the world Montaro made for them (originally for Harumi, actually), trying to see if Haruto is around or not.

Turns out, after awhile of searching, he found Haruto just standing there, a few inches farther for him. "H-Haruto...?" Haruki-kun called again. A sigh can be heard from Haruto.

"What do you want? Are you here to joke around and shit again?" Haruto asked, though not expecting an answer. Haruki-kun huffed. "I know a sorry won't fix what I've done to you all this time, but I'm sorry...!" Haruki-kun exclaimed.

".....Sorry? Ah...right, apologies exist. I know you're sorry and all, but I'm sure you're joking around again just to gain my trust or whatever." Haruto said. "Huh?! No!! I'm being serious and sincere right now! C'mon!!! You gotta give me a second chance! Please!!!" Haruki-kun pleaded.

Haruto only crossed his arms as he looked at Haruki-kun, sighing. "Take a quick guess on what my answer will be." Haruto spoke. "....It's a 'No I won't forgive you' type of answer, huh?" Haruki-kun asked. Haruto only nodded, looking away.

"Aha....I see. Of course you wouldn't forgive me. I understand. I'm the bad one here anyway, and bad people don't deserve forgiveness. I don't deserve forgiveness. I don't..." Haruki-kun ranted.

Haruto looked back at the other A.I., giving him a more concerned look. "....Actually, a 'no' isn't the correct answer here. The answer right now is, 'I'm in a dilemma so I can't think of an answer right now'." Haruto said.

"....You can choose to not forgive me. I understand your choice, really! I'm someone who deserves no form of forgiveness whatsoever! Ahaha~☆"


"We can just go on with our 'lives' here as strangers who don't know each other anymore. Feel free to forget about me entirely! I don't care-!"


"I don't care whether you forgive me or not, Haruto, but I really recommend you just don't forgive me altogether! Y-yeah...! Ugh..!"

Haruki could only fall to his knees, breaking down right then and there. "....Haruki." He looked up to see Haruto kneeling down to his level.

"....Get up."

Haruki didn't do that.

"Okay then, fine. Then speak."

Haruki didn't speak either.

"...Alright. Well let me do the speaking for you."

"Haruki, look, whether you think you don't deserve forgiveness or not....I....forgive you, I guess. As long as you don't repeat your mistakes ever again, I can guarantee that we'll be back on good terms."

"Just...don't joke around like that ever again, alright?" Haruto said, smiling through his forming tears. Haruki, who's face is already tear stained, looked at Haruto in pity.

Why did he need to pity Haruto, though?

"....No. I don't...I don't deserve forgiveness...!"

"Yes you do! Ugh, stupid."

Haruto then hugged Haruki tightly. Haruki was taken aback by that, but eventually returned the hug. "....Haruki...."


"....*Sigh* Whatever, I hate you, anyway."


The two A.I.s released the hug, looking into each other's eyes. Haruto could only smile a bit, before saying words that made Haruki realize he got karma.

"Just kidding~"

Yuh uh huh

This is wwrid i apologuze in advanxe

Ok bye for now :)

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