Chapter 155: Amogus With Big Shoes

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I attempt to do that

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I attempt to do that

Ok enjoy :)
Why me
Saturday, 24 Dec 20XX
12:12 PM

Yuyu: Did y'all know that

Yuyu: That the 25th tomorrow.

Yuyu: As a present to all of you

Yuyu: I attempt the inevitable


Yuyu: It is rather bad

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Yuyu: It is rather bad. Which I apologize for.

Yuyu: But look! Ugly amogus with big shoes.


Montake: i fucking hate you for this
Actually this is the last normal chapter eheehhehehehe

Ok bye for now :)

A New Hope Arises...I Guess - DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic (Ver. 2)! (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now