Chapter 61: Discarded Wish

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Ok enjoy :)
Egao felt like she wants to punch someone in the face, that someone being her father.

She wants to punch him so hard in the face that he passes out or something.


She had always wished to have a more happy family life rather than whatever this is.

She hates it.

She hates her father.

She hates herself.

She hates everything.

She wants to just disappear.

She wants to die.

She wants to end her suffering.




"...Aren't you Magical Girl Egao-chan?" A boy asked. The 'magical girl' turned around to see Takao Mochizuki himself.

"...How did you know?" Egao asked, sounding uninterested in starting up a conversation with an AtaHika member.

She is a member of Zan'nen after all, and the members of  Atarashī Hikari are supposed to be her enemy, but for some reason, she's talking with him right now.

She has her baseball bat with her, but she's not wearing her magical girl costume. However, that doesn't stop her from taking this opportunity to hit the AtaHika member with it.

"AtaHika's A.I., Harumi-chan, found out about the members of Zan'nen, including you." Takao paused for a moment, before continuing. "We all know the crimes you have committed, the internet and everyone in society even sees you as a serial killer, yet here you are, not hitting me with that baseball bat of yours sooner."

Egao sighed, fiddling with the hems of her school uniform's skirt. "I know, but let me tell you a secret." Takao nodded, seemingly ready to hear whatever Egao's gonna say next.

"I never wanted to do all of this. I never wanted to kill others to bring despair to their family. I never wanted to become some kind of serial killer to society. I never wanted to continue Junko Enoshima's legacy to begin with."

"I'm so sick and tired of my life here, I'm so sick and tired of my parents' arguing and stupid petty bickering, I'm so sick and tired of my own life. I really, really wanna die. Do you understand that, Tao? Do you?!"

Takao fell silent, his eyes a bit wide after hearing everything Egao had said.

Takao fell silent, his eyes a bit wide after hearing everything Egao had said

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"I'm.....I'm so done with life, Tao...I'm so done with everything..." At this point, Egao was shaking, eyes filled with tears. Rain also seemed to have started pouring onto the area, making the two wet.

"...I'm done with life too, to be honest." Takao finally speaks up. Egao perks up, looking up to the taller person in shock. "What?" She asked in disbelief.

Takao sighed. "Well, it's the truth. My parents never liked me. They liked my sister more. They've always been more proud of the achievements my sister makes than the achievements I have made. The only people who truly cared about me are Takeru-san and the rest of AtaHika."

"They made me realize the meaning of love, they made me feel like I can get back up on my feet and move forward in life. They....They're important people to me, and I care about them a lot, especially Takeru-san. He's the person who has been with me since the first timeline we were in. I'm glad to have such a great and amazing partner like him."

"....Maybe you could feel more safer if you're with AtaHika. Say, how about joining us? We don't mind getting a new member." Takao offered. Egao pondered at that offer for a moment, before she shook her head.

"If I even dare to leave Zan'nen, Nami-chan will surely kill me for real. She threatened me herself." Egao answered. "But...Maybe, just maybe, I'll join in secret." Hearing Egao's response to his offer, Takao eyes lit up as he smiled happily.

"That's great! I gotta inform the others about this!" Takao said excitedly, before he turned to look at Egao again. "Wanna come with me?"

"....Yeah!" Egao replied. They both then walked together to the direction of the Takemoto household. There was a meeting with AtaHika, anyway.
Friday, 30 Sep 20XX
05:00 PM

Iroha: It has been raining a lot lately

Kanade: well ig youre right

Tsurugi: The weather has been bad too.

Tsurugi: It has been cloudy a lot of times.

Iroha: You're right! It just makes the day gloomy.......

Kanade: you have a point iroha :(

Utsuro: The rainy days just make the situation we're in right now more badder.

Utsuro: It just makes people even more scared because of the atmosphere.

Iroha: Huh, you're right...

Kanade: lets just hope the situation gets resolved and no more bad things happen this season

Tsurugi: Yeah, let's just hope.



But she doesn't have a codename yet hehehehe

Maybe soon....

Ok bye for now :)

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