Chapter 131: The Better Choice

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Thnaks for 2k reads omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tbh this milestone is pog lmao

Idk what wsle tp say

Ok enjoy :)
"Well then. That concludes this week's meeting. Let's do our best next week, okay?" Montaro said. "Alright~! See you all next week, everyone!!" Yamato said as he logged off of the call. One by one of the members of AtaHika logged off of the call too. The only people in the call are Montaro and Miyu.

"Hold on, Yuyu. Don't log off yet. I still wanna talk about something important to you." Montaro spoke. "Huh? What is it?" Miyu asked, tilting her head to the side a little.

"....So, about Kinjo Tsurugi's dad..." Montaro started. However, before he could say anything else, Miyu cuts in. "Oh! Oh! So we're on the topic of Tsuru's idiotic father, huh? How exciting~! ☆" A sigh escapes Montaro's mouth.

"Well, yeah. Anyways, like always, I'm thinking of exposing all of the bad things he has done and jail him." He said, crossing his arms. ".....Jail him...?" Miyu asked, sounding shocked. "...Uh...yeah...?" Montaro replied, confused as ever. Why the hell does she sound so sad about that idea? What's on her mind right now?

"Why are you even asking? We've done this billions of times before." Montaro asked. "Because that, 'We've done this billions of time before'. 'Billions'. So boring~" Miyu answered.

"I have a more better idea." "Eh? Really? Why not tell me, Yuyu?" Montaro asked. A giggle can be heard from Miyu's side of the call. Just what on earth is she planning?

"So...I'm thinking that we should expose all of the bad things Mr. Kinjo has done and then...."




"...And then execute him." Miyu finished. Montaro stayed silent, processing what his sister had just told him. "....So are you implying that...once we expose his bad acts....we just, kill him off or something...?!" Montaro asked in disbelief.

"Ahaha! Of course! Every bad person deserves an equally bad punishment, especially if that person is extremely bad and can't be reformed. If they're like that, then the punishment should be equally brutal. They gotta pay the price eventually." Miyu explained, twirling a strand of hair casually.

Montaro sighed. "But what about Tsurugi?" "....I don't care how he'll react to something like that. Even if he looked up to his father that much, he should know that his father is a bad person, just like any criminal in this world."

"....We'll reconsider this idea. For now, get some rest, okay?" Montaro said. "Alright! Good night, Monmon!" Miyu replied, logging off of the call.

Montaro put a finger on his chin for a moment, before shaking his head. "There's no way we're doing that, right...?" He muttered. Groaning, he turned off his PC and started getting ready to head to bed.
I got sick lmao

Uhhh anywaysss

Tsurugi's dad sucks

Ok bye for now :)

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