Intermission 8: What If...AtaHika Idols...? 😳

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Omg 😱


Ok enjoy :)
"Guys!" Takao called from the door of the meeting room. "Huh? What is it?" Sakuya responded, tilting her head tp the side.

"What if you all became idols like me and Taru-san?" Takao asked. To this, Montaro spit out his drink. "The fuck?!" "Ah! Becoming idols with you and Taru...? I've always wanted to be an idol..." Sakuya answered.

"Eh?! N-no, I'm not fitting to be an idol. I think Harumi-chan can fit the virtual singer thing, though." Miyu said, turning her head to Harumi-chan, who's in Montaro's computer. Her eyes widened a bit, before returning back to normal. "A-ah...No! I don't fit that category at all! Emi-chan fits the idol category, however!" She said, flashing a nervous smile.

"Oh? Me? An idol? Interesting...~" Emily replied, smirking. "Wha-?! Enough of this weird talk, all of you! We--" "Mato mato~! Mato mato to your heart~♡" Yamato said, walking into the room, making that goddamn Nico-Nico-Nii pose.

"Damn, even Yato has a catchphrase ready..." Teruya muttered, sweat dropping. "Ugh, enough of that! Let's just start the-" "Taro-san, I wonder what would you be like if you were an idol." Takeru spoke up, cutting off Montaro's sentence.

"What the...*Sigh* Enough of this nonsense. Let's just start the meeting already." Montaro answered, facepalming. "Awe....Fine then! But let's talk about idols more after that, okay~?" Takao teased.

Yes, the one who said that last bit was Montaro lmfao

Ok bye for now :)

A New Hope Arises...I Guess - DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic (Ver. 2)! (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now