Chapter 50: Coward, Failure, Idiotic Girl

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Literally how i see myself everyday ✌🏻😘

Ok enjoy :)
"I....I can do better...!" Miyu muttered as she kept trying to shoot the basketball in the hoop. "Uh, Miyu-chan, you can stop now. You've done great." One of her classmate say as they tap on her shoulder.

"N-no...'Great' isn't even enough....I...I need to do it perfectly...!" Miyu replied as she throws the ball to the direction of the hoop. Unfortunately, it missed once again for possible the forth time today.

"Shit-!" Miyu cursed as she ran to the ball to grab it and try again. "Okay, okay, enough! You already did it once, isn't that enough for you?" Sakuya exclaimed as she ran after Miyu. "No! It's not enough! It's never enough!" Miyu snapped back. Sakuya sighed. "The others want their turn, y'know." She said as she gestured to where their other classmates are.

"Isn't there another ball and another basketball hoop? Just let them do that there." The brown haired girl said on an annoyed tone. "There are some who want their turns to be in this hoop for some reason, why not YOU grab the other ball and do all of that alone?" Sakuya answered, starting to lose her patience.

Miyu sighed. "Right, sorry, sorry." She apologized, dropping the ball from her hands and, instead of running to the other side of the gym, ran away from the gym altogether.

"Huh?" Sakuya muttered in confusion as she grabbed the basketball and watched Miyu run away. The girl shrugged, walking back to her classmates.
"I need to get a good grade." Miyu repeated as she walked back home. She spent the whole day worrying about how others see her, how her grades are, how much of a failure she is.


Aha, she really is a failure girl.

".....Shut up." She said, stopping her walk. She looked around. Nobody was there.

Strange....She felt like she heard familiar voices telling her how much of a failure she is. She could agree with them, though. She really is a failure.

She sighed, continuing her walk.
"I don't need help, in order to not fail again, I gotta do things myself."

That's what she told herself everyday, but she never accomplished it.

How idiotic.

"I'm a failure." She told herself many, many times, everyday, every night, non-stop. She never stopped telling herself she's a failure.

She never stopped thinking herself as a failure.

She has grown tired of everything, including life.

She even thinks she's idiotic and a coward for being scared of getting hit by either a basketball or a volleyball.


Stupid idiot.

You're a failure, Takemoto.

Please know that, no matter how hard you try, you won't succeed in life.

You should di-

"SHUT UP!" Miyu yelled as she slammed the table with her hands. "Takemoto?" A voice called. "Huh?!" Miyu jolted up as she realizes that's the voice of the teacher.

"U-um, y-yes...?" She muttered, already shaking in fear. She could cry right here right now, like a coward, and everyone would laugh at her and say mean things to her. That's the scenario playing in her head.

"You need to listen to me while we're learning. Please understand that. And please keep your voice down, I could hear you muttering....stuff, while I was explaining the subject to everyone." The teacher answered.

She stayed silent as she nodded her head.

"Alright then, now where were we...Oh, right! So basically.....ksksk....kdkskw..kwwkkskdd...d.kkek......" The teacher's voice starts fading out from her hearing and she can feel herself getting pulled back into her greatest nightmares.

She really is a failure girl.
Friday, 9 Sep 20XX
05:37 PM

Yuyu: Hello everyone, please have a horrible day today.

Yuyu: Especially you, Monmon-nii-chan.

Taro: .

Taro: WTF


Yuyu: Shut the fuck up.

Tao: Eh??? You don't sound ok rn, Yuyu-san!!!

Taru: Is there something wrong? You don't sound good?

Yuyu: Take a wild fucking guess.

Yato: No.....??????

Yuyu: Ding ding! Sadly, you're correct.

Yuyu: As the winner, you get absolutely nothing. Cry about it, loser.

Emi: Ah....Yuyu-chan...What happened?

Saya: Idk either, but a few days ago during PE class she's always trying to shoot the hoop in basketball

Saya: She only really did it once and that's all there really is to it

Yuyu: Don't ever remind me of that ever again, idiot.

Saya: Eh?!


Teya: holy shit, wtf happened here?

Taro: idk, but i could care less

Yuyu: Fuck you.

Yuyu: Actually, fuck all of you.

Yato: Ah....

Teya: taro, as her brother, you should go to her and talk abt it with her

Taro: nahhh let her solve her own problem herself

Harumi-chan: I don't think that'll further help her at all.... :(

Taru: Harumi-chan is right. That won't help at all.

Taru: Saya, if you ever see Yuyu around, please talk to her about it

Saya: I'll try

Yato: Ah....what happened to her...?

Harumi-chan: To be honest, the real question is, is she really ok?

Taro: yato guessed it right himself, shes NOT ok

Taro: you blind or smth???

Harumi-chan: The fuck?! Of course not! You fucking bitch! Fuck you, you little ungrateful disgrace and piece of dog shit!

Teya: YO CHILL 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Friday, 9 Sep 20XX
05:49 PM

Yamato: The situation's gotten more weirder, huh?

Kiyoka: Seems like it...

Kizuna: wtf.

Kizuna: this is fucking horrible.

Tsurugi: The police still can't figure out or even catch this serial killer red-handed.

Hibiki: well shit

Kanade: well shit indeed

Hibiki: shut up

Teruya: hibiki has no chill when it comes to her sister huh 💀

Yamato: FR FR 😭😭😭

Yuki: Well isn't that concerning...

Kanade: lets hope its just a phase

Tsurugi: WHAT

Hibiki: KANADE 😭😭😭😭😭



Teruya: *NEAR

Teruya: FUCK

I just realized this chapter is over 1000 words my fucking god i'm scared now

Ok bye for now :)

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