Chapter 34: To Make It All Better

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Anyways take more Takekao bc i'm a dumbass for being obsessed with a ship between two of my own ocs (i think some of y'all are like that too idk uhhhhh)


Sorry i was listening to Ghost Rule while i'm writing this section eheheheheheh 😁😁😁😁😁

Also ignore the fact that Takao's injury healed in the span of five days


Ok enjoy :)
Friday, 2 Sep 20XX
03:58 PM

Hibiki: hi


Hibiki: WTF

Kanade: shut up idiot


Hibiki: ????!!!!!!

Iroha: KANADE 😭😭

Setsuka: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

Emma: HELP?????


Kanade: wtf is this?

Kanade: obv this is kanade otonokoji the ultimate guitarist a student from hopes peak academy what would you expect from me huh


Hajime: I'm a little concerned...

Iroha: Same... :(

Utsuro: wtf.
Meanwhile, Takao and Takeru found a stray cat on the side of the road. "Aw! Such a cute cat~!" Takao exclaimed happily.

These past few days, Takao's injury managed to heal. Knowing that, Takeru felt at ease. In those past few days, Takeru was worried sick about Takao's condition.

Seeing Takao now, who is happy and smiling, with eyes that sparkle like a child when they see a new toy or something new to them in general, Takeru could only smile with him. He could feel his face heat up just because of how cute Takao looked--



"N-no-! Don't think of him like that! That's stupid...!" Takeru thought to himself, shaking his head with his eyes shut. "Takeru-san? You good?" Takeru could hear Takao's voice even when he's deep in his thoughts, and eventually he was snapped out of his thoughts itself.

"O-oh?! Um, yeah." He responded. "Alright...Anyways! Kitty, kitty~!" Takao said as he tried to touch the cat. However, he was only met with the claws of the cat. "Ouch!" He yelped.

"Great. Just when you just healed from your stab injury, you get ANOTHER injury?!" Takeru said, before sighing. "Let me check your hand."

"O-oh, um, okay." Takao replied as he extended his hand out for Takeru to take and take a look at. After doing just that, Takeru sighed again in relief. "Nothing too major. It's just a minor injury. Nothing to freak out about, haha." Takeru laughed, which made Takao laugh too.

After all, laughing is contagious, right?

"Well that's great! But it still kinda hurts..." Takao spoke in a sad tone. "Ah..." That was the only thing that came out of Takeru's mouth.



Suddenly, he thought of something.

Takeru grabs Takao's hand once again, and then...


And then he fucking kissed it.


"E-eh...?!" Takao muttered in shook. Takeru then let go of the other boy's hand, his cheeks a bright shade of pink. "Um, sorry. It's just that, lately, I've been reading those romance novels by that Matsuzaki guy that Emi-san kept recommending me, and one thing from that novel that stood out to me was this thing called, uh, 'kissing the pain away'. I don't know." Takeru explained, eventually looking away from Takao.

"A-ah...You got influenced by those romance novels..." Takao muttered, sighing afterwards. "It's fine, though, Takeru-san! It's nothing to be ashamed of...I guess."

"Right..." Takeru trailed off. Their conversation was stopped, and silence filled the air between them. Awkward silence, to be precise about it.

"Um, anyways. Let's go now. The cat's gone anyway." Takeru spoke up, breaking the silence. "Eh?! The cat's gone?! Awe....And just when I wanted to give it head pats..." Takao said in a sad tone.

"Haha, let's go now." Takeru said, getting up from his previous crouching position and extending a hand out to Takao. Takao eventually grabbed his partner's hand and got up to a standing position too.

"I'm sorry for troubling you these past few days, by the way. I know that it must've been tiring to take care of me." Takao apologized. "Wha...? No...You're not troubling me at all. Don't apologize to me, ever. It's not your fault, it's my fault for not protecting you well in the first place." Takeru replied sharply.

"Anyways, let's go now."

"...Alright, Takeru-san."
DMs Between Tsurugi & Yamato
Friday, 2 Sep 20XX
10:01 PM

Yamato: Uhhh Tsurugi???

Tsurugi: Oh? Kisaragi? Why are you messaging me in such a late hour?

Tsurugi: Why are you even still up in such an hour in the first place?

Yamato: I should be asking YOU that question!!!!!

Yamato: Anyways-

Yamato: I know this is odd and embarrassing and shit but

Yamato: But i had a nightmare

Yamato: And i'm fucking scared

Tsurugi: A nightmare?

Tsurugi: If you're that scared, why not you go to your sister?

Yamato: She's already asleep, i just know it

Yamato: I didn't wanna bother her anyway, so i wanted to message you instead

Tsurugi: Right...

Tsurugi: Well if you want, you can come over to my dorm.

Tsurugi: Don't worry, you won't trouble me at all.

Yamato: REALLY?????

Tsurugi: Yeah.


Tsurugi: Oh, your welcome, I guess.
Silly gays

Ok bye for now :)

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