Chapter 66: Months Later...

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Anyways it's probably early December now for them omg it's winter for them now omgomgomg


Ok enjoy :)
"Ugh, what do you mean Egg of shit mate is not doing anything?!" Miyu exclaimed in disbelief, her fists clenched and her face going red from being angry.

It has been months now, months since Egao joined AtaHika, months since Miyu changed her look, months since everything started falling apart.

"We observed her and almost her every move, but really, all she's doing is talking with Ikusaba and just being a normal person like everyone else. She's not even telling Mitarai to make that despair brainwashing video." Teruya explained, his eyebrows furrowed as he saw how angry the third year middle schooler is.

"Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Maybe she's just delaying things like a pussy. Keep your eyes on her for the rest of the school year. Report back once your first school year ends next year, got it?!" Miyu ordered. Yamato only nodded, Hibiki stayed silent, literally trying her best to not argue back with the middle schooler, and Teruya responds with a sharp "Yes".
"Haa.....Maybe Enoshima's a nice person after all?" Yamato asked as he, Teruya, and Hibiki walked home after AtaHika's weekly meeting is done. "Maybe. We're not too sure yet, let's just keep an eye on her for the rest of the school year, like what Yuyu said." Teruya answered, looking up to the sky.

The sky is a beautiful orange, meaning that it's already evening, and that the sun will eventually set and night will eventually come. Teruya sighed, looking back to the direction he's walking to.

"Hey, Hibiki. You've been so silent ever since Miyu's random outburst earlier, you good?" Yamato asked, glaring at Hibiki. "Oh, well I don't know. I've never seen Yuyu get this mad before. She really is a stubborn person, huh?" Hibiki responded.

"Haha! Always has been...~" Teruya laughed. The three eventually made it back to Hope's Peak Academy's building and part ways once they reach the dormitory.
"I'm so sick and tired of this, don't you get it, Kameko-chan?" Emily asked as she and Kameko sit on their seats in a fancy looking restaurant. After AtaHika's weekly meeting, the two decided to meet up things out.

It goes pretty well, and eventually, they reconcile over the past that happened between them.

In truth, Kameko never wanted to be in Zan'nen in the first place. But after Nami offered an escape from the harsh reality by joining Zan'nen, the former child actress joined Zan'nen.....and then regrets it.

The worst part is she can't get out of Zan'nen because if she does that, then Nami will give her a 'punishment', that punishment being death.

Kameko doesn't wanna die, not yet, so there's no possible way she's leaving Zan'nen, not when she actually feels like she has a family there.

Emily understands that, and she could only sigh as she thinks back on that conversation.

A conversation full of tension.

A conversation full of sadness.

A conversation full of tears.

A conversation full of regret.

"Yeah, I'm also pretty tired of all of this, to be honest." Kameko replied, smiling a bit nervously. A giggle comes out of Emily's mouth, and Kameko felt like her heart could leap.

God, Emily is so pretty.

Kameko never understood why there was even a misunderstanding between them to begin with. It's odd and surreal, to be honest.

Kameko could only enjoy this moment that she'll rarely have these days.

Miyu fucking snaps (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)

Ok bye for now :)

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