Chapter 41: Rebelling Against Your Own Family - Toshiko

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Ehe <3

Ok enjoy :)
"Play the piano this, play the violin that, I wanna play the electric guitar and sing my heart out, y'know?!" Toshiko complained to Nami. "Ah...Well be patient, alright? Maybe one day, they'll accept you and your dream of becoming a rock musician and you'll be all good." Nami said in a concerned tone to their voice.

"Ugh, well I hope so. Thanks for listening to me rant about it." Toshiko responded, a small smile forming on her lips. "I'm here~!!!" Egao's voice rings through the meeting room. "Hey, hey!!!" Yuto greeted happily.

"*Sigh* Oh look, it's the ball of energy who needs a break sometimes..." Kameko light-heartedly said. "Haha~! Yep, it's the one and only! ☆" Egao replied, winking at the group of people.

"Alright, is that everyone, yet?" Nami asked. Akito looked around the room, seeing that there are still two people missing. "Two people left." He answered. "Well shit." Nami replied with a nod.

"Let's just be patient and wait, alright?" Mana suggested, to which everyone else agreed.
"You must learn to play the piano. It's for your career as a classical musician one day." Toshiko's mom adviced her. "Yes mom." The girl replied, sighing.
"You gotta learn the violin, sis! To continue dad's legacy!" Toshiko's brother suggested. Toshiko only nodded. "Mhm."
"Why not you try your hands on that, dear?" Toshiko's grandmother asked, pointing to an instrument. "Yeah, sure." Toshiko replied, seemingly uninterested.
"No matter what, you cannot become anything else. You must become a classical musician. It's to continue the family's tradition."
"Quit that behaviour, sis! Geez...Y'know that dad really wanted you to become a classical musician like everyone else. Look at me! Even I became one!"
"Don't you even dare try to sneak out of the house to see those god awful concerts. Just stay here, and increase you skills so that one day, you can be an amazing classical musician.


I wanna rebel against them.

I don't wanna be like them.

I wanna be me.

That's all I really wanted to be.
Hi again

Ok bye for now :)

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