Chapter 106: You Did Nothing Wrong

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Just like Hibiki she did no wrong ever‼️😍 /j

Ok enjoy :)
"You know, Emi-san...." Kameko started as they both walk side by side to a local shrine. "...I've been thinking. Do you really forgive me for my actions?" She asked, turning her head to look at Emily.

Emily pondered on this question for a bit, before giggling. "Ahaha! Of course I forgive you! I never tell a lie, y'know~" She answered. The lying part is obviously another lie, well, at least to Kameko. "Right...."

"But, I've done so many things wrong. For starters, I offended you with a stupid joke and led us to fall apart. Secondly, I betrayed you by joining Zan'nen. Thirdly, I just committed a whole miscommunication thing with you. Why....Why would you forgive me after all of that...?" Kameko explained. She eventually dropped to her knees, her whole body shaking. Emily then knelt down to her level and looked at her with a look of pity.

".....Kameko-chan....Look, even if all of that happened, you didn't mean to do all of that. You didn't mean to offend me with that joke, besides, I moved on from that, and looking back at that, it's actually kinda funny, haha!"

"You didn't even know that I was in AtaHika at that time, and you didn't know that Zan'nen has bad intentions to begin with."

"And about miscommunication, I didn't even mind it at all, I forgot, haha..."

"So you didn't do anything wrong. You never did any wrong, Kameko-chan." Emily explained. Kameko could feel herself tear up, and eventually, those tears rolled down her cheek.

Emily took notice of that, and cupped Kameko's face and wiped away those tears with her thumb. "You...You're a nice and kind person, Kameko-chan. I....I feel like you wouldn't even hurt a fly." She said.

"...Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut u-" Before Kameko can finish her sentence, she was pulled into a hug by Emily. Emily hugged so tight, as if once she let go of Kameko, Kameko would disappear and never come back.

"....You're such a stubborn person, y'know? You wouldn't easily believe what other people say, ahaha....haa..." Emily muttered, feeling herself tear up too.

"....Kameko-chan, even if you think you have done so many flaws, you're still perfect to me." Emily said, and Kameko could only sob.

"I....I love you, Kameko-chan...!" Emily confessed, eventually breaking down too. Kameko's eyes went wide, and she could feel her cheeks going red. It doesn't matter to her, though. What matters to her the most is that someone she loves and cares about so much feels the same way, and that was enough to cry in happiness rather than in sadness.

Ok bye for now :)

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