Chapter 80: Confrontation(?)

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Idk if this is a confrontation or not you decide lmao

Ok enjoy :)
Miyu felt like an insane maniac, yelling at her fellow groupmates like that. However, at the same time, she felt great. She felt great because she could let out all of her anger out on them.

She feels a little bit bad for hurting their feelings, but at the same time, she's happy to see Egao crying like a pathetic being like that. It's brings her.....pleasure.

Suddenly, she sees a kid with a lollipop in hand. Quickly enough, she snatches the lollipop away from the kid, eventually hearing the kid cry. She can only laugh as she quickly ran away from the scene.

She continued her walk, eating the not-eaten-by-the-kid-yet lollipop. Eventually, she decided to take a train to.....Shibuya? What on earth is she trying to do at Shibuya?
Once she finally arrived to Shibuya, she hurries to her destination. Where, though?



There, she stood infront of Enoshima Inc.'s building. She looked at it with happiness and hope, a light shining in her eyes as she looked at the big building in awe.

She then attempts to go into the building. However, the guards at the front gate got in her way. "What do you want?! What is your business with Junko Enoshima's successors?!" One of the guards asked in suspicion.

"Ah, um, I have business to attend here." Miyu answered. "Uh, Ms. Nami never told us about anyone having any business with Zan'nen, though." The other guard confirmed calmly.

"Idiotic. Just let me in! I'll give you cash!" Miyu offered desperately, pulling out some money. "Oh fuck yeah! Anything for free money! Come in!" Guard 1 said excitedly, making guard 2 facepalm, but nonetheless opened the front gate with guard 1.

Miyu walked through the gates with victory and pride. Eventually, she got into the building, catching the other guards off guard.

"Wha-?! Who is she?! How did she get in?!"

"Goddamnit! It's probably stupid Tetsunori again!"

"Oh fuck that guy! Let's just kick her out no-"

"No need for that, my dear guards."

Nami's voice rings in Miyu's ears. It catched Miyu off guard for a moment, since Nami sounds exactly like Emily somehow.

Oh well, probably just voice acting skills.

"Hello, Miyutake. I know you decided to run away from home and come here. What do you want from me, though?" Nami asked.

"Well, I've had enough of AtaHika, so..."

"....Can I join Zan'nen with you?"
Haha jokes on you it wasn't actually a confrontation LMAOOOOO

Ok enough updating thus chatifc for today tim to watch nore yt babyyyy

Ok bye for now :)

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