Intermission 9: Painful Monday

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Obv Mondays are painful 🙄

Ok enjoy :)
"Ugh! I can't believe the teachers decided to give us a lot of homework today!" Hibiki exclaimed in an angry tone as she put her hands on her head in distress. She seems to be looking at the pile of homework that's infront of her right now.

"Honestly, I can't believe it either. But we gotta do all of it." Yamato said as he grabbed his pen and started doing his homework. "Hey, Mato." Hibiki called, grabbing Yamato's attention after a few seconds. "Yeah?"

"Have you ever felt like you just wanna quit everything?" The vocalist asked in a more serious tone. To this, Yamato raised both of his eyebrows. "Oh, well, not really. Not at all." The inventor answered.

It's a lie, though.

He felt like he wants to quit everything, especially after all of the suffering he had to go through in different timelines. He and AtaHika suffered enough, to be honest, and he's just hoping that this is the last timeline that they'll be in where everything goes right, even if he's close to losing his shit at times.

"...Well I'm feeling it right now." Hibiki's voice snaps Yamato out of his thoughts. He was shocked to hear what his friend of two years just told him. "What...does that mean...?" He asked in concern.

"Well, lately, when I'm outside. There's this girl who would constantly tell me that I don't deserve to be an ultimate student, and she would tell me that Kanade is better than me. I try to ignore her words but she just kept bothering me! It's so tiring, y'know?!" Hibiki explained, feeling like she's going to sob at any moment and just cry right then and there.

Hearing all of that, Yamato frowned. "Hey, you already told me and everyone else about this a few weeks ago if I'm not wrong." He spoke up. "I know, I know! But I just wanna tell you about her actions lately." The vocalist replied.

"She's been acting suspicious lately...And I'm just hoping that I can catch her red-handed or something." Hibiki explained, sighing afterwards. "Hmm, right. Well if you need to tell me more about it, don't be hesitant." Yamato said. To that, Hibiki nods.
~Around Nighttime~

"Hey, Taro."

"Ah! Yato! What is it?"

"...You're still up this late?"

"Obviously. Got work to do, plus! I'm gaming. Haha!"

"Yeah right. Anyways, that blondie from Enoshima Inc. has been nagging around and tormenting my friend Hibiki lately."

"....Holy shit? Hibiki has been interacting with her?!"


"Yikes. Either way, what is that girl doing with her?"

"Hibiki said that the girl has been telling her that she doesn't deserve to be in Hope's Peak Academy and that her sister Kanade is better than her in anything."

"What the fuck...? Geez, that girl has no chill."

"Exactly! Goddamnit!"

"Haha! Well either way, thanks for the information."

"No problem!"

Ok bye for now :)

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