Chapter 136: You Don't Have Talent

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The proseka chibis look so goofy bruh 💀

The pov will switch in this chapter lmao

Ok enjoy :)
Iroha's POV:

"Hahaha! Look at you, having the title Ultimate Painter but still not able to make a great painting like I do!" The reserve course student from awhile ago decided to come back. When will she just leave me alone...?

"Can't you just leave me alone...?!" I shouted at her, trying to get her away from me. I don't wanna deal with this right now. "Oh my god, just shut up. Look at your painting. It's shit!" The blue haired girl said in annoyance, before pointing at the painting I've worked so hard on and laughing at it.

"Ugh, shut up! Just shut up! I don't wanna hear it! I-I don't- I-!" "I-I-I-I- No. Shut up. I don't wanna hear your annoying 'I's. Get better at painting if you want me to shut up. Though, I'm sure you'll never improve. Hahaha!"
I slammed the door open, before stomping in and closing it shut, locking it from my side with a key. I threw my painting to the side, before bringing out a canvas, paint, a pallet, and a paintbrush. After I was done getting ready, I started painting.

However, just when I started painting, I felt something. No.

Just no.

I replaced the previous canvas with another one, and then started painting again.


I replaced the previous canvas with another one, and then started painting again.

No, that doesn't look good.

I did it again.

Not good.

I did it once again.

I need to get better, not like this!

I did it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again--

"UGH! GET FUCKING BETTER, IROHA NIJIUE!" I screamed, carrying the bucket of paint before throwing it straight towards the canvas. The paint didn't only got to the canvas, but it also spilled on some of the stuff around it, especially the floor.

I looked at the mess I've made teary eyed, dropping to my knees and crying like an idiot.

I'll never improve.

"I don't have talent."
"I don't have talent."

"Yeah fuck no you don't."

"Yikes. At least don't be mean to me like that."

"Whatever, 'Karu. Anyways, where?"

"What do you mean 'where'?"

"The cash you promised! Did you fucking forgot?!"

"Oh, right. Haa...People these days only care about money huh?"

"Shut up! Money makes the world go 'round, y'know?"


"Thank you, Hikaru~ I guess tormenting that stupid talentless painter wasn't a waste after all!"

"....I'm going to kill Yuto for this."


"Nothing. You heard absolutely nothing. Run along now. Don't expect me to be your 'sugar daddy' or whatever."

"Ugh, yeah, yeah, whatever.


"....I don't have talent after all."
Weeeee woooooo weeeee wooooo

Ok bye for now :)

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