Chapter 73: I've Had Enough.

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No not me, it's Yuyu. Don't judge me

Ok enjoy :)
"So....Now what?"

"What would you expect next, Yato?"

"Ah! Right! Sorry, Taro~"

"So, that's really all there is to it?"

"Yes, Egg."

"Haa.....I demand you change my codename now!!"


"Hmph! Mean Monmon!"

"Don't call me that..."

"I've had enough..."

"Is that all there is to it for real, though?"

"Yes. Exactly, Emi. We're all done now. You should all rest up. Tomorrow Yato, Teya, and Biki are gonna go on a study tour."

"Oh? How interesting! Hope you three have fun!"

"Thanks! We'll definitely have fun, Emi!"

"The study tour starts on Monday, though, Biki...."

"Oh shit, forgot. Uuuugghhh!!!! I'm impatient!!"

"I wanna die..."

"Oh, by the way, Tao has been awfully quiet lately."

"Oh! Ahaha! S-sorry, Teya-san! I've just been overthinking about something lately..."

"...I think it's about time I do it anyway."

"Tao-san....You know you can tell me anything if you have a problem."

"I know, I know-! Sorry, Taru-san..."

"I should leave this world once and for all."


"I should die. I wanna die. I don't deserve to be here."



"I don't deserve to live. Nobody likes me."

"We can hear you, you know."


"A-ah! That's none of your business!"

".....Yuyu? You can tell us anything if you need to get something out of your chest. Just vent it all to us."

"No. It's fine, Biki. It's about time I leave either way."


And with that, Miyu left the call. The call was silent, save for Takao's muttering. Nobody really cared about what he's muttering about, they only cared about the fact that what just happened....just happened.


"Hm? What is it, Biki?"

"......I have a bad feeling about something. Taro, where is Yuyu now?"

"Oh, she did said earlier in the call that she's still around school grounds, but still in a secluded area so that people wouldn't see her."

"Wait, she goes to school on Saturdays?!"

".....For scout activities. Don't know why that school has scout activities but I'll let it slide."

"Huh....Wait, let's go to her school now. Taro, what school does she go to?"

"Oh, it's..."
Miyu looked down at the view below her. She can see cars and other vehicles passing by. It's a boring view to her.

Nobody is here now, so nobody can disturb her from doing it.

She takes off her shoes and puts them aside. She takes off her pink cardigan and throws it to where the shoes are. She undoes her twin tails, letting her now medium length hair flow in the cold winter air.

She doesn't care if she lands on soft snow, she just wants to end her suffering already.

The useless girl climbed up the short railing and eventually got to the other side of it, now standing on the edge of the rooftop.

She didn't wanna end it this way, but at the same time she just wants it to end already.

It's not like anybody really cares about her, anyway, so nobody would even try to stop her and just simply watch her fall.

She was about to jump, before she could feel a soft tug on her school uniform sleeve, grabbing her attention immediately. She looked over to whoever did it, only to see one of her former classmates, Ichika Mayuzuki.

"Please don't." The girl said. The mistake only sighed heavily, attempting to make her former classmate let go of her, only to fail.

The failure girl didn't want things to turn out like this. She thought nobody would interfere her, but here she is now, with somebody who's actually interfering her right now.

She groaned, eventually succeeding in making Ichika let go of her sleeve. She attempts to jump, but then she felt someone pulling her back by the arm. Her left hand lands on the rooftop's railing, making her grip it tightly. Why so tightly, though...?

The worthless girl looked at whoever did it again, her eyes meeting Ichika's once again. "I said don't do it! My god! Please!" Ichika begged, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

The idiotic girl felt pity for Ichika, not because she doesn't want her to die, but because Ichika had to 'waste her time' on someone like her.

"You're wasting your time on someone like me. Please let me go and let me end my suffering once and for a-" "There's no genuine way to 'end your suffering', goddamnit! If you have any issues, just tell me or the people around you!"

"If you feel like nobody cares about you, just know that I exist. I exist!" Ichika explained, her tears finally flowing to her cheeks. The attention seeker could only sigh, her tears finally rolling down to her cheeks too.

Silence filled the air between them as.....Ugh, Miyu, climbs up the railing and lands on Ichika's side.

Goddamnit, I wanted to insult her more.

Either way, at the sane time, the members of AtaHika were running towards Miyu and Ichika.

"Yuyu!" Montaro yelled out, running towards Miyu in the speed of light before wrapping her into a FAMILIAL hug.

Key word: Familial.

"Ichika?" Sakuya muttered. Ichika wipes her tears from her cheeks with the sleeve of her uniform and waves her hand at Sakuya with a weak smile.

"....Huh?" Miyu finally said. "Look, I'm sorry for everything, okay? I'm sorry for all of the things I have done to you and mom. I promise I'll give the both of you a proper apology." Montaro apolgized, his voice a bit shaky.

Miyu was silent. She didn't say a word, not one bit, and before Montaro knew it, Miyu already released herself from the hug and walked away, saying something that's obviously directed to Montaro and Montaro only.

"Such a late apology. You don't deserve forgiveness, whore."

Montaro was taken aback by the insulting name she called him, but felt a bit offended about her response to his apology altogether.

"Damn, talk about not gratefu-" "Oh shush, Egao!"

Sorry but i'm in a silly and goofy mood so i'm gonna make Yuyu the most disliked or even hated character in this entire chatfic


Ok bye for now :)

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