Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

New Tweet from @Milly_on_pointe


@Milly_on_pointe: Everything is just falling apart. I don't even know if I have the strength to hold on anymore.

New Tweet from @Milly_on_pointe


@Milly_on_pointe: And when my world came crashing down, none of you actually knew how to pick up the pieces.

New Tweet from @Ashton5SOS


@Ashton5SOS: Just keep holding on. Don't let go. I couldn't live if you fell baby girl xx

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New Tweet from @Ashton5SOS


@Ashton5SOS: One day baby girl, I will hold you in my arms and sing to you until you fall asleep, knowing that I love you xx

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Is it just me or this whole 'Ashton tweets and then deletes it so she won't see it' thing annoying? I know I write the book and all but he is getting on my nerves.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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