Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty

*Milly's P.O.V*

I wrap the towel around my body as tightly as I can, since I have to use crutches, before heading out the door and into the room that I'm guessing is Ashton's. Walking in, I let out a small scream when I see Ash lying on the bed. I was not expecting him to be in here at all. I swear my heart is beat a million times a minute and my hands are shaking from clutching the handles so tightly.

"Ashton, you scared me. I was not expecting to see you there," I explain while looking over at him.

I see his eyes focused on something that isn't me, so I follow his gaze only to find that it meets my scar on my knee. I quickly clear my throat before heading over to my suitcase. I place my crutches on the floor before opening my suitcase. I grab a pair of underwear, a bra, some black skinny jeans and a grey knitted jumper.

Skillfully, I hobble back into the bathroom, quickly getting changed. I pull my wet hair up into a messy bun before slowly going back into Ashton's room. When I walk in, he is sitting on the bed, his head in his hands as he rests his elbows on his knees.

"Ash?" I say quietly as I sit down next to him.

"Now I understand why you wear long pants all the time," he mumbles into his hands.

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"That scar," he murmurs, "It must be really hard for you to look at day after day. Is that why you wear long pants all the time?"

I swallow quietly, rubbing my hands together, "Yeah it is. I can't stand to look at it. It just reminds me of everything that I've lost. I know that I got you out of it but it still hurts you know."

Yes, I may have gotten to meet Ashton because of my knee but it still ruined everything else. I had to stop dancing. I had to have an operation. I have depression. I have insomnia. Everything is just so much harder to cope with, even though I have Ashton by my side.

"I know baby girl. I know," he repeats before wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you Ash. I don't think I've said this but thank you. Without you, who knows where I would be right now," I mumble, a shiver working it's way down my spine.

"I love you too baby girl. And don't talk like that okay. I don't want to even think about the things that could have happened if I didn't decide to get my butt into gear," he laughs grimly.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I breathe in his scent. Spice, a hint of the aftershave he used this morning and for some strange reason, smoke from a campfire. But none the less, his scent is intoxicating. I let it surround me, making me feel happy and safe.

"You smell good," I mumble, not thinking clearly.

It's only after I realised what I just that I covered my mouth quickly, pulling away from Ashton. I look over at him to see a smirk on his lips, "So do you."

"I'm sorry," I cry, "That probably sounded weird. I wan't thinking about what I was saying and I-"

Ashton cuts off my babbling with his finger on my lips, "It's alright baby girl. Calm down."

I let out a sigh of relief at his words. So he doesn't think I'm weird. Thank god for that. I don't even know what came over me. It's like his smell is a drug to me, taking over my body, leaving me with an amazing, detached from reality type of feeling.

"Ashton!" we hear someone yell from the other end of the house.

Ashton let's out a small sigh, while shaking his head at me, "What?"

"How do you get superglue off your fingers?"

"How did you get it on your fingers Cal?" Ashton yells back, obviously being able to to identify the screaming voice.

"I don't know!" Calum yells back.

"These couple of months on tour are going to be interesting," I laugh while sending Ash a look.

He laughs a long with me before pushing himself off the comfy bed. He grabs my crutches off the ground and holds them out for me, "M'lady."

"Why thank you kind sir," I laugh as I take the crutches and pull myself up.

We both slowly head out of the bedroom, Ash only walking slowly as to keep up with my slow pace. As we enter the open space that is their living area and kitchen, I have to hold back a laugh when I see Calum and Michael holding hands.

"Why are you holding hands?" I giggle, not being able to hold in the sound any longer.

Michael looks anything but amused as he answers my question, "Because Calum is an idiot and decided to put super glue on his hands. And because I didn't know, I grabbed his hand as a joke and now we're stuck together."

I look over at Ashton who is silently laughing to himself, "Wow."

I take a seat on one of the kitchen stools, watching with an amused expression on my face as Ashton and Luke try to get Calum and Michael unstuck. By the time they finally are, an hour later might I add, I have tears rolling down my face, an ache in my stomach and out of breath from laughing so much.

"I'm glad out pain amuses you," Michael says while glaring daggers at Calum.

Cal, who is oblivious to Michael's deathly glare, trots on over to me, "Well, Michael. I think we should do that again later. It seemed to cheer Milly up pretty good."

"No! I am not! Do it with Luke because Malum. Is. Over!" Michael yells before stomping up the hall to, I'm guessing, his room.

I watch in horror as Calum slides onto his knees and starts 'sobbing' into his hands, "No! Michael, I'm sorry. I love you Michael. I just want Malum back."

"Calum!" I yell at him, snapping him out of his moment so he looks at me, "If you really love him, go after him. Even if he doesn't feel the same way. It's better to be on your own knowing you tried then to be beating yourself up everyday about it because you never tried to work things out."

Calum is silent for a moment before a smile lands on his face, "You're right Milly. Thank you. You hear what she said Ashton? Maybe you should listen to her advice too."

I turn to Ashton only to see him glaring at Calum as he stands up and runs down the hall after Mikey. Ash turns to look at me, his eyes softening when he sees me, "Don't mind Cal. He's a drama queen. I don't know what his problem is."

"Don't lie Ash," Luke mumbles as he walks out of the room.


*Hides in a deep well*

Ummm hi. It's been a while hasn't it. Yeah. I'm sorry. It has been a very long time. I have a reason though! Please don't throw stuff at me!

So, my other book, Wrong Number, was doing so well and I decided that I should focus on it for a while, try to get it to number one maybe. I'm sorry for abandoning you guys. It's just, there was not enough hours in the day for me to update this book and focus heaps of my time on Wrong Number.

But now that Wrong Number is over and I've decided to get ahead in my writing for In Touch, I'm back to updating Direct Message! YAY! EVERYONE SHOUT HOORAY!

QOTC: How many of you guys have read Wrong Number? It doesn't matter if you haven't, I just want to know how many of you have read both this and Wrong Number.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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