Chapter Fifty Nine

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Chapter Fifty Nine

*Ashtons' P.O.V*

I can't believe she said my name in her sleep. Maybe she does have feelings for me. Maybe she was lying tome when she said that she didn't love me. Maybe she was just saying that I couldn't love her because she was scared that she loved me back.


I look up to see the boys looking at me expectantly, "What?"

Calum shakes his head while laughing, "I said, what are you going to do now?"

"Oh well, I don't know. I'll just see where it leads us I guess," I shrug.

"You're just going to let her go? Well not technically let her go but you aren't going to chase after her? Start something with her? Because I know you two would be the perfect couple," Michael says, a shocked look on his face.

"Well, you remember that story I told you guys about her freaking out when I said I love you? Yeah well that's why I'm not going to push anything with her. She freaked out. I don't want to try for something she doesn't want," I sigh while thinking about her reaction to my words.

"Maybe she freaked out because she was scared of what the relationship could bring," Luke murmurs.

I shake my head at them, "No. That's not it. She genuinely looked scared when I told her I loved her. Her eyes, they just showed fear. Real fear. And something else that I couldn't figure out. But it wasn't the fear you get when you are scared of a relationship."

We all lapse into silence while thinking about what I just. The boys are probably just laughing to themselves about how much I paid attention to her. But I'm serious. I've been trying the whole time I was there to figure out what else was hiding in her eyes but I never could. I have been stumped since the moment I saw it. And I have no way of finding out what it was because I can't go back to that moment.

I feel Milly stir in my lap and my whole body stiffens. What if she just heard everything I said? Would she be mad? Would she be upset? Would she be scared? Would she run away from me because she doesn't want me to try anything with her?

But when I look down to see her rubbing her eyes sleepily, a yawn escaping her mouth,I know she hadn't heard any of it. I smile down at her and she groggily smiles back. I place a kiss on her forehead, smiling to myself at the contact of my lips against her skin.

"Hiya beautiful. How was your nap?" I ask her as I stroke her hair.

"Mmm, it was pretty good. I must admit, your lap is a pretty comfortable spot to sleep," she laughs quietly.

"Well I'm glad you had a good nap. How's your knee feeling?" I ask, concern lacing my voice.

"A hell of a lot better Ash. Thanks for carrying me and looking after me and stuff."

"Anything for you baby girl,"I smile.

"Ugh," she groans as she rolls over in my lap to face the television, "Oh hey boys."

"Hi Milly!" Calum yells.

"Hi Cal," she laughs.

"How you feeling Milly?" Luke asks her, obviously not paying attention to our earlier conversation. I mean, Milly and I weren't whispering so I don't know how he didn't hear us.

"A lot better Luke."


"Hey Ash?"

"Yeah baby girl?" I say while looking down at her.

"Can I go have a shower?"she asks quietly, her cheeks turning the cutest shade of pink.

"Course. One of the boys will show you to the bathroom. I'll go get your bags and things okay?"

She nods at me then sits up, swinging her legs around so she is sitting forward. I go to stand up but Milly places a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I look over at her right before she gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile at her before standing up, grabbing the keys and heading out to the car.

I unlock the car and open the boot before pulling out her two suitcases, her guitar and her backpack. I close the boot with a loud thud before throwing the backpack over my shoulder. I pull the handles up on the suitcases before realising that I won't be able to pull two suitcase and carry a guitar.

"Hey boys!" I yell as loud as I can so they can hear me, "Can one of you come here and help me please?"

I wait a few seconds before Luke appears in the door way. He walks over to me and grabs one of the cases, pulling it along the smooth concrete and into the house. I quickly lock the door before grabbing the guitar case and the suitcase and hauling them into the house, up the hall and into my room.

Luke, who was standing in the kitchen waiting for me, follows behind me. I open the door to my room only to find it exactly the way I left it a week and a half ago. I place Millys' bag in the corner of the room and her guitar on the bed. Luke places the other bag next to the one I put down before striding out of the room.

I walk out of the room to but instead I go to the bathroom door and knock on it before speaking quite loud cause I can hear the shower running, "Milly your stuff is in my room. I'll leave the door open so you know where to go okay?"

I hear her shout back that she heard me before going back to my room and lying face first on the bed. Millions of thoughts whirlwind through my head but only one really sticks out. Only one really makes it's way out of the chaos that is my mind.


Oh god. My feelings for her are like maximum level crush. And I can't even tell her because she'll freak out and I don't want that. I mean I really do want to tell her but I don't want to frighten her off. I only just got her, I can't lose her already.

I must have fallen asleep because I am awoken to the sound of a high pitched scream. I jump from the bed and turn around, my eyes focusing on the room around me. Right there in front of me is Milly, in nothing but a towel. Oh damn her legs.

But that thought is gone soon after and the only thing I can focus on is the large scar on her knee.

The scar that ruined her life.

Hiya guys. I'm glad I got this up! So I started a new fan fiction the other day. It's called Pen Pal and it's a Harry Styles one. I'll leave the link under this if you want to check it out. It would mean a lot to me.

Question of the chapter: What is your favourite song?

Mine is Perfect by One Direction.

I'm actually so proud of this book right now. It's going so great. All thanks to you guys! Thank you all for reading. Thank you all for voting. Thank you all for commenting. I couldn't do it without you all!



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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