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"I still can't believe you rented out an entire island," I whisper with a laugh as we tiptoe through the beautiful beach house, trying out best not to wake the other boys and their girlfriends.

"What can I say," he giggles quietly, "Only the best for my beautiful girlfriend."

I feel a blush move it's way onto my cheeks at his words. A whole year of dating this handsomely sweet drummer and he never fails to make my heart beat at a hundred miles a minute. I watch as Ashton slowly pushes the glass door open, making sure that not a single sound is made. If the boys knew we were sneaking out in the middle of the night, they'd never let us live it down.

Once the door is open, we run outside, down the stairs and onto the beautiful white sand of the beach, the gorgeous clear blue water lapping at the shore as the bright full moon reflects off the surface. I never thought I would see anything this beautiful in my life but I was wrong. Ashton really does know how to work some magic when it comes to our anniversary. I mean, compared to last year when on this day I was running off to get on a plane and probably do something I shouldn't, this is a huge step up.

"You know, this is going to be hard to top next year," I smile as I step closer to him, looking up into his eyes from under my lashes.

I see him gulp slightly, his eyes twinkling as I continue to get closer to him, "I'll find a way. I mean, I do have my sources."

I tilt my head to the side as I come to stand directly in front of him, my hand resting on his bare chest, "I know you do."

"You're such a tease, you know that right?" he mumbles before yanking me closer to him and covering my mouth with his in a fervent and hungry kiss.

This is something that will never get old, knowing that he's mine. Being able to kiss him and have that kind of effect on him and knowing that he loves me as much as I love him is something that I've always wanted to have in life. I feel his hands wrap around my waist, his skin warm against my bare back, and I can't help but wonder what would have happened a year ago if Ashton and I didn't tell each other how we felt.

Maybe I wouldn't be here today. Maybe Ashton would have found another girl that makes him happy. Maybe Niall would be visiting my grave and telling me that he's sorry for being a douche. Maybe the boys wouldn't be in the band anymore. So many maybes and what ifs that will never happen due to one kiss.

And I cannot express to Ashton how grateful I am that he came to that airport and stopped me that day. Since that day, everything has gotten better. Niall and I made up after a few weeks. I'm a whole year clean today which makes me prouder than anything. My insomnia is pretty much cured. I can get to sleep most nights but the nights when Ashton isn't there usually don't make it onto that list.

I feel his tongue run across my lips and I open my mouth for him without hesitation, the salt from the water lapping at our feet exploding in my mouth. It doesn't take long for our breathing to become ragged as our tongues dance together, creating a burning desire that I've never felt before. Ashton, obviously feeling the same, pulls away gently but doesn't go far, allowing the cool breeze of the ocean to wash over both of our lips.

"Baby girl, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while but I thought tonight would be the perfect time," he whispers before pulling away from me and getting down on one knee, a small box in his hand, "I know we've only been together for a year and I know you aren't ready for that yet so I thought about this for a while until I realised I could do something else."

My heart continue to race in my chest, barely having enough time to calm down from that passionate kiss we shared. I watch as he opens the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring with two intertwining hearts inlaid with diamonds. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I think about what he's asking me.

"It's a promise ring. I knew that you might not be ready just yet for marriage so here I am. Milly Fisher, I promise to love you forever and always, I promise to never hurt you and if asked to choose, I will always choose you. I also promise that one day I will replace this ring with a real one, showing the world that you are my wife. Will you promise the same in return?" he asks me quietly, his voice comforting and soft.

I don't even have to think about my answer before the single word slips from my lips, "Yes."

I watch as a huge smile slips onto his face before he plucks the ring gently from the box. He takes my hand gently in his own and just before he slips the ring onto my finger, I notice that his name is engraved on the inside. Then I watch as he throws the box away and pulls something else out of his pocket. My eyes watch his hand to catch a glimpse of the object before I finally see that it's another ring. A ring made for him.

"Will you do the honors?" he ask quietly, placing the ring in my hand.

Nodding, I take the ring with my name engraved on the inside between my fingers before slipping it onto his finger as well, creating a new bond between us. A bond that can't be broken. A bond that will last until the day we die. Maybe even longer.


My eyes snap up to meet his beautiful hazel eyes, the light that I love to see shining in his eyes burning brighter than ever, "Yes?"

"I love you so much," he whispers before locking his lips with my own, causing us to fall onto the soft sand in a tangled mess.

The passionate kiss becomes more heated by the minute and just as he begins to untie the string of my bikini, I break the kiss, whispering a few words before joining my lips back with his, ready for everything that is to come, "I love you so much more."

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