Chapter Sixty Five

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Chapter Sixty Five


At the sound of Ashton's voice ringing through the crowd, I look around, hoping to spot him. But with the thousands of girls surrounding me, I know I have absolutely no chance. I don't even know how none of them have spotted me, lying down here on the floor while crying in pain. I mean, it's not like I'm invisible. There is a large circle of girls surrounding me and trying not to step on me.


"Milly! Where are you?"

As I try to stand up, I feel the excruciating pain stab through my leg again, making me fall back to the ground and tears come to my eyes. This is ridiculous. The surgery was supposed to make my knee better, not make it worse. I mean, I know that I've only been able to walk for about two and a bit weeks but seriously, it shouldn't be this painful!

"Oh my god. Milly! Are you okay!"

I look up to see Ashton running towards me, the girls around me all screaming and grabbing at him as he tries to reach me. I watch as he stops and turns to all the girls, giving them a look that basically says 'if you don't leave me alone and stop screaming, Ima yell'. And then, just like that, all the girls around us calm down and stop screaming, the only sounds coming from me as I sob and the girls further away who can't see what's going on.

"Come on babe," Ash mumbles as he scoops me up in his arms, grabbing my crutches before he stands up.

I quickly wrap my arms around is neck before resting my head on his shoulder. I'm not going to lie, I'm getting a very intense feeling of deja vu right now, minus the screaming fans I mean. But I swear it was only yesterday that Ash carried me out of the airport after the boys jumped on me and I hurt my knee.

But this makes me realise just how much I need Ashton. He is like my rock. He is there for me all the time. Even when I don't know that I need him, he's still there. Okay, that made absolutely no sense but I know what I'm trying to say, even if I don't want to admit it.

Ashton is fixing me.

He's gathering up all my little broken pieces and putting me back together. I know I told him that it wasn't possible but the more I think about it now, the more I understand. It is possible for him to fix me and I feel really bad for telling him that he couldn't do it. Because he can. Because I love him enough to let him into my life enough for him to fix me.

"Thank god you're okay baby girl. We walked into the airport and we couldn't find you anywhere. I was freaking out. You should have seen me. The boys couldn't even get one word in, I was that stressed," Ashton sighs before pressing a kiss on the top of my head, "What happened anyway baby girl?"

I sniff quietly, trying not to show him that I'm in pain. I really need to stop crying in front of him all the time, "Some orange faced fan was yelling at me to stay away from her boyfriends and then she decided to grab my crutches and pull them out from under me."

I hear Ashton curse under his breath before looking down at me, "How's your knee? Is it okay? Are you okay?"

"Calm your farm Ash, I'm fine," I lie.

"You're lying. Don't lie to me baby girl. I can see that you're in pain and also, when you lie, you scrunch your nose up the tiniest little bit and you don't make eye contact with me."

He sure does pay a lot of attention doesn't he?

"That is not true!" I protest right before another wave of pain shoots up my leg, making me call out in pain.

"Yes it is and you know it baby girl."

Alright! I'll admit it. I love when he calls me baby girl. It is the cutest freaking thing ever, especially coming from him. I mean, imagine having this touch looking drummer call you baby girl. It. Is. Amazing. Like legit, my heart goes into full on overdrive and my cheeks heat up and my hands start shaking. But it's still the best feeling ever.

"Fine. I'm sorry. It's just, I always seem to be crying or upset or in pain. I can never just have a normal day," I sigh.

And it's true. Yes, I know I may not be normal because I've had a major operation and I'm friends with a huge band but when I say a normal day I mean being able to get to sleep at a normal time, waking up and feeling refreshed, eating a normal amount of food for breakfast, being able to walk places without needing crutches.

That's what I mean by normal and I check none of those things off. I don't do a single one of those things and it really hurts. I see Luke and Michael and Calum getting up and walking towards the kitchen while rubbing the sleep out of their eyes and I'm just sitting there running on about three hours of sleep, sometimes none.

And that's all I want to be able to do. Be normal.

"But it's a normal day for you baby girl," cue the eruption of butterflies in my stomach, "A normal day for you is a day where you may be in a bit of pain and you may not have had a lot of sleep. It may be different from what you used to do but it's normal for you now."

"But Ash, it's not normal for you and I feel really guilty that you have to put up with me being like this," I sigh.

"Don't feel guilty baby girl. It's because I love you that I am happy to be here to help you. I care about you so very much and seeing you upset or in pain, it breaks my heart and makes me want to help you even more than I already am. So don't feel guilty."

Awwwwwww. Ash and Milly and absolutely adorable together aren't they :)

I do feel bad for Milly though because or everything that she's had to go through with this knee operation thing. It's pretty bad :(

QOTC: If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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