Chapter Sixty Three

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Chapter Sixty Three

*Ashton's P.O.V*

Out of the corner of my eye I see the tears rolling down Milly's cheeks and it breaks my heart. I hate seeing her cry. If there was a way that I could take away all the pain that she has been put through, I would do it in a heart beat. I wouldn't hesitate to take the pain away.

"Because my boyfriend cheated on me."

Wait, she's never told me about her boyfriend, or I guess I should say ex boyfriend. I get that it's personal but this makes it the second 'big' thing that she has kept from me. The first thing was the drums and now that her boyfriend cheated on her.

"What do you mean? You stopped playing the drums because your boyfriend cheated on you?" Michael asks quietly.

I hear her sniff as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. I reach over and take her hand in my own, giving it a squeeze. I see her look over at me, her eyes wide as the tears spill over her waterline. I send her an encouraging nod, telling her that it's okay.

"Uhhh. So I used to play the drums and there was this girl, Charlotte, who used to bully me and tell me that I should just give up playing the drums because I was bad at it. Anyway, there was this guy and his name was Dylan. He used to stick up for me and tell me that I was great. And because he used to stand up for me against Charlotte, I believed him."

I hear a small sob escape her mouth as she continues to tell her story. It breaks my heart to hear her sound so broken. When I came to see her, I knew that there would be tears and that it would hurt me to watch her cry but I never knew that it would break my heart as much as it does.

"Anyway, we became really close friends and we hung out a lot. Eventually he asked me on a date and obviously I said yes. Anyway, we started dating after the third date. It was great. I really liked him. And I thought he liked me too. We had been dating for five months when I found out he was cheating on me."

"I remember walking to the back gate of the school so I could walk home. There was a huge tree up there near the gate and I remember distinctly walking past it and seeing him standing there behind the tree. It was when I went to say hello and ask him what he was doing that I saw her."

As we pull up to a traffic light, I look over at her to see her with her eyes closed, tears spilling down her cheeks. I bring her hand up to my lips and place a kiss on her fingers, letting my lips linger next to her skin for a bit longer than deemed necessary.

"He was kissing Charlotte," she stutters out, her sobs taking over her body, "I stopped playing the drums after that. It reminded me too much of him and the lies. And after finding out that he was cheating on me with Charlotte, I realised that he must have been lying about me actually being good."

We finally pull up in a parking spot near the airport. After stopping the car, I quickly get out before rushing around to her side, flinging the door open and scooping her up into my arms. I hold her close to me as she sobs on my shoulder, her arms snaking around my neck.

"It's okay baby girl. Shhhh. Your okay. I'm here now, you don't need to cry," I whisper against her hair as her chest moves up and down rapidly, trying to keep up with he sobs.

I feel her tighten her arms around my neck as she tries to move closer to me. I rub my hand up and down her back, trying to calm her down. I'm hoping that my arms will be enough to comfort her. I know that I am good with my words and stuff but not when it comes to Milly.

When it comes to Milly, my words get all muddled up. I can't think straight and I don't know what to say. And when I do try and speak, it usually just ends up coming out as a big jumbled up mess that makes so sense what so ever.

I feel her breathing slow down as her tears run out. I brush some of her hair behind her ear, loving the feel of the silky strands against my fingers, "That's it baby girl."

"I'm sorry to interrupt guys but we have to leave now," Luke says quietly.

I look over at him and send him a nod before turning back to look at Milly, who is already looking at me, "Ready to go babe?"

"Yeah," she sniffs.

I slowly place her down on the ground before reaching around her and grabbing the crutches. I hand them to her before going to the boot and grabbing a few bags. I hear Milly close the car door before the rhythmic click of her crutches on the ground fills my ears.

I wait until she is beside me before I start walking. We walk in silence, my heart still trying to mend itself after seeing her break down like that. Every time she cries, I feel like a little piece of me breaks each time. Every tear sends a piece of my heart, crumbling down to the ground int the hopes that one day it will be fixed. It honestly hurts me to see her like that. 

The silence though, is deafening and it's only with the tense silence that I hear the screams of the fans. It's only then that I realise that with Milly coming on this journey with us, she will be shown the world of hate.

Alright, it has been a while hasn't it. Yep, it has.

Anyway, you guys have obviously heard about how I was doing a little competition of Facebook, well I decided to open it up on here as well. To actually be eligible, don't comment you joke on this chapter, I won't be reading it. It has to be posted on my Wattpad page.

So how this is going to work.

You guys are going to comment your favourite joke of all time. It can be a knock knock joke or whatever you like but you also need to leave your Wattpad account user name with it.

I'm going to read all of them and my favourite joke is going to win.

Who ever wins is going to be sent an unseen chapter from In Touch. I won't tell you what it's about but it is an unseen chapter that won't be out until the very end of the book.

But I have also decided that instead of just picking one person I'm going to pick 2 or 3.

When entering this though guys, I am going to be making sure that you don't post my chapter anywhere. That chapter will be posted at the end of this book so there is no point in trying to use it as your own work.

The competition will close in 2 days, on Wednesday the 24th at 5:30p.m AEST.

So yeah guys. Make sure you post it in my feed and not in the comments because it won't count.

I've also started up a blog. It's a book blog where I'll be reviewing different books I've read and having discussions about books and stuff. The link is right here is you guys want to check it out:

QOTC: If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?




~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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