Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty Four

"You what?" she shouts while stumbling over her words.

I shrink back in my chair slightly before repeating what I said before, "I said, I'm going on tour with Ashton and his band and you can't stop me."

"Excuse me young lady but I am your mother and I can do what I like. You are not going on that tour."

"I don't understand what has gotten into you all! You used to all be so nice and now all of a sudden Mitch hates me, you're being extremely rude and controlling and I hate to see what's happened to dad. I don't understand!"

"We're like this because of you!"

The shocked look on my face says it all. 

"We're like this because of you! It's all your fault! You changed us. We spent so much time looking after you that we had no time to do anything for ourselves. It killed me to see my little girl in so much pain but now I'm over it. I've had enough of you thinking you can get away with anything. It won't be long and you'll have that thing off and life can go back to normal. And that means you listen to your parents when they tell you to do something!" 

By the time my mother has finished her little rant I am holding back tears. My chin is wobbling and my hands are shaking. I can see Ashton out of the corner of my eye and he looks furious. 

"Get out," he says calmly.

I watch my mums head snap towards Ash as he yells at her, "What did you say to me?"

"I said, get out. I am sick and tired of Millys' family coming in here and blaming her for ruining their lives. It's not her fault, it's your own. And if you aren't ready to apologise to her then I want you to leave. Say goodbye because I'm taking her on tour with me in a week and you can't stop her because she is eighteen and can make her own decisions."

I watch my mum gulp loudly before she turns to me, nods her head and leaves. Not another word is shared between us and I think that is a good thing because I feel like if I try to speak it will only end with me sobbing, tears rolling down my face.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" Ash asks gently as he sits down next to me.

I look up into his eyes and that's all it takes for me to break. The tears start to fall as I begin sob into my hands. I feel Ash pull me closer to him, his hand stoking my hair. I continue to cry as Ashton comforts me, telling me that it will be okay. But I don't know whether to believe him or not.

"Listen to me Milly. It is not your fault that they are the way they are. It's their own fault for not realising that this wasn't something you could control. And if they really loved you they wouldn't let something like this change the way they treat you. If anything it should make them care about you more."

"Milly Ash is right. You don't need them in your life. They aren't worth your time," I hear Niall say reassuringly. 

I look up and into Ashtons' eyes, my tears slowly coming to a stop. Ash reaches up and brushes away the tears that are still on my cheeks before pressing a kiss to my forehead. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Do you still want me to come with you?" I mumble.

"What sort of stupid question is that Mil?"

"It's a normal question that I'm asking you Ash. What else would it be?"

"Of course I want you to come on tour with me. Just because your family is a bunch of stupid disrespectful idiots does not mean that I don't want you to come with me,"he mumbles against my hair.


We sit there in silence for a few minutes, me just listening to his heartbeat and his breathing, as he strokes my hair. I don't really understand why my family all of a sudden became like this. It really shocks me that they've changed. It also really hurts to think that they blame me for it.

"Well this silence is deafening. How about we lighten the mood!" I hear Louis say from Skype.

I look over at the screen to see Niall, Harry and Liam staring at the floor while Louis is looking with sad eyes into the camera. 

"I really don't think I can be cheered up right now. I mean you heard what she said to me. How can someone walk away from that with a smile on there face?" I say quietly.

"You can walk away with a smile on your face because you know that she's lying. You know that she's just using you as an excuse because she doesn't have another one. That is how you can walk away with a smile on your face," Liam says while staring at the camera.

"But what if it is the truth?"

"Do you really believe what she said? Do you honestly believe that because they were spending time looking after you and they apparently had no time for themselves that that's the reason they are acting like this?" Niall asks sternly.

", no?" I question.

"That question wasn't mean to be answered with a question Milly."

"I know. I just don't know whether I believe it or not. I mean if you went through what I did, you would have trouble not believing that sort of thing."

"Okay, listen Milly. That is not true! You are not the reason that they are acting like a bunch of douche bags okay! And I don't care whether you do believe it because it's not true!" Ashton exclaims while standing up and looking at me.

"Oh, okay," I mumble while looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry baby girl. I just hate seeing you like this. It breaks my heart. And I can tell it's not only my heart that it breaks but the boys as well."

I look up to see all four boys nodding their heads. I look over at Ash to see him smiling sadly at me. In the corner of my eyes I see one of my dance trophies on the wall. As I turn to look at it, I can't help but think that maybe all this terrible stuff happened to me for a reason.

Maybe it happened to me so it could bring me to my new family.

A new family that actually cares about me.

The feels are real in this chapter guys!

Also... Direct Message is currently #830 in fan fiction! That's amazing! I just want to thank all of you for helping me get this far with this book. I never thought I would get over a thousand reads let alone the 46k I have right now. I am just absolutely ecstatic about this! Thank you guys sooooooooo much.

Also, if it isn't to much, those of you that have Twitter can you go on over and maybe give me a follow please? Once I get a few followers on there I will start doing little updates and answering questions that you guys might have. My twitter is;


Thank you for those who do. If you do follow just shoot me a tweet and I'll give you a follow back.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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