Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six

"Oh my god! Milly, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Michael," I reply, right before another burst of pain shoots up my leg and I have to grit my teeth.

"Liar liar pants on fire!" he sings while laughing and taking my crutches off Ashton to put next our bags.

"Okay," I sigh, giving in once again, "I'm not fine. I got tripped by one of your lively fans."

I hate having to tell the boys that it was one of their fans that did this. I could tell by the look on Ashton's face that it upset him, even if he won't say so, and I know that it's also upsetting the other boys. I mean, they're their fans. They are supposed to be with them through thick and thin, but every time they get a girl friend or make a friend who is a girl, they over react and well, we know what happens next.

And all the boys want is for their girl friends or friends to be happy and not have to worry about being hated on or mobbed. But instead, they have to worry about what will happen every time they go out with them because it's the like the girls can read the boys minds when it comes to them being out and about somewhere and they mob them and hate on their girl.

I hate it. I hate that there are fans who think they are protecting the boys by hating on their girl friends. Obviously they are doing the exact opposite. I mean, if they didn't like that girl they wouldn't be with them so why are you trying to make them 'happier' by breaking them up? it doesn't make sense.

"I'm sorry that our fans that," Calum sighs while walking over to stand next to Ash, "Do you want me to take her?"

"I'm fine Cal. We're boarding soon anyway."

Rolling my eyes, I speak up, "I'm right here boys."

"Who said that?" Calum yells while looking around, his eyes wide in 'fear'.

"Oh har har. You're so funny Calum," I mumble sarcastically.

"There it is again! Did you hear that Ashton?"

"I did actually. I don't know what it is though," Ashton replies while looking around the airport.

I let out an angry huff and cross my arms over my chest, "Luke! Mikey! Ashton and Calum are being mean to me!"

"Who just said our names?" Luke exclaims.

"Oh my god! Stop it!"

"Okay, I think this airport is haunted. We should probably go and get on the jet now so we don't have to worry about ghosts chasing after us with cameras and albums to be signed," Calum says before grabbing his bag and mine and walking over to gate that we were assigned too.

I don't know why we are taking their private jet, I mean seriously. And, if we're taking their jet, why do we have to go through the airport and through a gate? It just makes life so much more confusing and we have to deal with their fans.

"I'm sorry baby girl. Forgive me," Ash whispers to me.

I let out a huff of air and continue to look away from him. My turn to be mean now. When I say mean I mean jokingly mean not like mean mean. Okay, that was a lot of 'means' in one sentence and I doubt it made much sense. I honestly think I have problems some days. Other than the obvious ones like depression and insomnia I mean. Like weird fan girl issues and talks to herself in her head issues.

Yeah...I do have some issues.

"Do you wanna come to me Milly? At least I'll acknowledge your presence," Mikey says to me as he falls into step by Ash.

"Yes please because Ashton is being a meanie."

"But baby girl!" Ashton wines as Michael takes me from Ashton's arms.

"Thanks Mikey," I say as I try to stifle a laugh.

Okay, maybe I'm being a bit harsh on him but hey, that's what Ash and I do. We play harmless jokes on each other literally all day everyday. Sometimes he goes a bit overboard and I get upset and sometimes it's the other way around. But we both know we're only joking so it's easy to forgive each other, especially with the bond we have.

It's a bit hard to explain the bond we have though. It always see it as if we're a couple but we aren't actually dating. We love each other in a non romantic way, well at least he does, I can't say the same thing about me. We sleep in the same bed, mostly because I can't sleep without him there. We tease each other like there's no tomorrow. He calls me baby girl and almost kills me every time.

Ashton and I are closer then I have ever been with anyone, even my brother. I've never had this type of bond with anyone. Mainly because I've never been comfortable enough to start a close relationship like this but now, having this relationship with Ashton makes me realise what I was missing out on. But it also makes me thank my lucky stars that my first relationship like this was with Ash.

"Ash, you know I'm only joking right?" I say as I reach out to take his hand.

"Yeah I know," he sighs while looking at the floor.

"Mikey, put me down please," I mumble as I look at his sad face.

He quickly complies, placing me on the ground where I proceed to hop over to Ashton, the movement sending pain shooting up my leg every time. But I barely notice it. When Ashton's upset, it kills me and I can barely feel anything through the numb feeling I get. It makes it even worse when I know that I'm the reason he's sad.

"Ash," I mumble while placing my hands on his cheeks so he'll look at me, "Look at me. You don't have to worry okay. I know that I probably went a bit too far with that joke and I'm sorry but you don't have to worry about me leaving you for one of the other boys. You're my best friend and I love you okay."

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they are so adorbs and so clueless!!

GUYS I FINISHED IN TOUCH TODAY AND I'M SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also started a new book called Barely Breathing if you wanna check that out so yeah. That is what is going on in the world of Tanna.

QOTC: If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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