Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One

"Have you got everything you need?" I ask Ash while looking up from my book.

"I think so," he replies while putting a pair of shoes into a suitcase.

"Why did you decide to pack today? You do realise that we leave for Melbourne in, like, three hours," I laugh.

"Don't laugh at me! I had other things on my mind. And besides, I'm lazy," he giggles.

"I can tell," I say absentmindedly while going back to my book.

After a few moments, I feel Ash flop onto the bed next to me, "Don't ignore me Milly."

"I'm no ignoring you. I'm reading my book. Big difference," I say while placing my bookmark into the book, closing it with a small thud.

"Still ignoring me," Ash jokes.

"I can show you ignoring," I laugh as I stand up, grabbing my crutches off the ground.

"Wait! No, Milly please," Ash calls out as I head out of the room.

I walk slowly down the hall, concentrating on placing one foot in front of the other. For months I couldn't walk so now I really have to concentrate on being able to do that without needing the help of my crutches. It will take a while but I think I'll be able to do it.

"Hey Mil," I hear Michael say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Mikey. Whatcha doing?" I ask him.

"Just getting some food. I'm starving," he laughs.

"Milly! Please don't ignore me!" Ashton yells as he runs down the hall.

"Why are you ignoring Ashton?" Michael asks in a confused tone.

"He thought I was ignoring him when I was reading my book so now I'm proving a point," I shrug.

"Milly?" Ashton asks quietly as he comes to stand next to me.

I sit there in silence, trying to keep the smile off my face, "She's ignoring you Ash."

"I know," he sighs.

"Guys! We have to go! Our flight has been put forward an hour!" Luke screams from the other end of the house.

I let out a frustrated huff of air as I turn and walk back down the hall to Ashton's room. When I'm in there, I grab my book, putting it into my backpack. Checking everywhere, including the bathroom, I make sure I haven't left anything behind. When I'm happy, I zip up my two cases and place my guitar back in it's case.

"You done?" Calum asks as he comes into the room.

"Yeah, I am," I nod.

Calum walks over and grabs a suitcase and my guitar before hauling them out to the car. I put my backpack on my back and follow behind him. I hear Cal asks one of the boys to grab my other case and a few seconds later, Luke jogs down the hall.

After all out things are packed in the car, we pile in. Ash in the drivers seat, me next to him and the boys in the back. Ashton pulls out of the garage and starts towards the airport. It feels like it was only yesterday that I was in this car, heading to the boys place.

But in reality, that was four days ago. Four days ago I met the boys and had them jump on me, causing my knee a lot of pain. Four days ago I started this journey with Ash and his band. Who would have known that this is what I would be doing.

"Are you still ignoring Ashton Milly?" Michael asks me.

"Yep," I reply, popping the p.

"Not fair," Ash groans.

"Hey, can one of you boys tell Ash that he bought this on himself," I laugh.

"Hey Ash, Milly says that you bought this on yourself," Calum tells Ash.

"I heard her Calum. We are in the same car," he replies.


"You excited to go on tour Mil?" Luke questions.

Just as I'm about to reply, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I let out a little scream, startling the boys. Ashton pulls over quickly, turning to me. He has panic written across his face, clearly worried about me.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"There's a spider," I stutter.

I hear Ash let out a sigh of relief. I watch as he grabs something from the console before looking to me, "Where?"

I point my hand at the spider, trying no to look at it. I watch Ash shake his head in amusement before he leans across me to reach it. I feel my heart rate speed up at his close proximity, his intoxicating smell invading my nose. My breath gets caught in my throat as I watch his muscles move in his tight shirt.

And then, he's gone. He sits back in his chair, placing the tissue that has the spider in the little bin. I take a deep breath, his scent lingering around me. I see him send me a smile before he puts his seat belt back on, turning the car on and taking off.

"You screamed because of a spider?" Calum laughs.

"Yes," I reply quiet breathlessly.

I know that if I turn around and look at the boys, they will tease me about Ashton. Especially considering our conversation the first day that I got here.

"So, anything you want to share Milly?" Luke smirks.

"No?" I reply, questioning his tone.

"Don't lie. You soooo like Ashton," Michael laughs.

"Of course I do. He's like my best friend," I say truthfully.

"No you like like Ashton," Calum says while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do Milly. You should make a move," Michael teases.

The glare I sent them all was great. They were so scared. It's like they thought I would legitimately hurt them by glaring daggers at them. But the thing is, I was only acting like that to hide the truth because I didn't want them to know how I really felt.

I've been trying to ignore how I really feel because I know he doesn't feel the same. I know that he doesn't feel the same way I do about him and I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I decided it was best to keep my feelings for him hidden from everyone. Especially him.

Because I am in love with Ashton Irwin.


Cliff hangers for the win guys! But awwwww Milly loves Ashton. So cute,

They would be like the cutest couple ever. Not even joking.

QOTC: Do you think Ashton and Milly would be cute together?

Because I sure as hell do.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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