Chapter 1: Eternal

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Welcome to Shot in Love and Crime.

Don't know what to say here so I hope you enjoy.
George POV.

Love is eternal. It’s immortal. Even the sands of time shiver in comparison. You can find love anywhere, and in anyone. I had found love like that once. The greatest love that I could have found. And I had been dumb enough to lose it.

My last day in L’manburg was a hard one. Around seven years ago, on the day of my graduation. It was the last day I got to see my friends, my classmates, my teachers, and my… my boyfriend.

Clay had been perfect. He was a little bit of a dork, but still near the top of our class for most of the subjects and he was on the football and basketball team as the star player for both. The two of us had made a great team though and I had loved him more than anything on the planet. He was just one of those people who could do no wrong.

On the day, nay the morning of my graduation, my father told me what was happening. He was panicking; tense, skittish, and cautious, as he told me that we were moving today. The suddenness had shocked me when I heard we were moving back to my home country, a place I hadn’t been in the last ten years.

That day was the day I broke up with Clay. I still loved him, of course I did. It’s just I knew that long distance relationships never went well. Time zones and us both having different schedules would make it almost impossible for us to spend time together either on a voice call, or facetime, or whatever.

Seven years had passed and I still found myself thinking about that day. I had cut all contact with the blond and all of our friends since I knew the pain of what had happened would be too much for me. That was my bad, since I had decided to move back to L’manburg. Not having anyone there that I knew would make it difficult.

The plane ticket was being clutched in my sweaty hand, as I sat regretting all of the things that I had done in the past. I mean I was trying to convince myself that it would be like a fictional movie, I’d go home and be reunited with my long lost lover. But who am I kidding, it’s been over half a decade. He probably has another partner, and maybe he started a family with them.

I doubt that he’d be like me. Holding onto false hope of us getting back together after I had moved away with almost no explanation. Although what explanation could I have given him when my father gave me no explanation either.

“Can all passengers heading on flight 0791 to L’manburg head to gate four to begin boarding. Thank you.” The announcement rang through the boarding lounge and I stood up, my backpack was swung over my shoulders and I started walking in the direction of the gate. In my bag were only the necessities, things like my laptop, and some travel snacks.

I hadn’t figured I would need too much to come with me, and had already used a large chunk of what money I’d had saved up to purchase furniture in my new apartment, something that looked like it wasn’t too crappy and was in a half decent location. As I stepped into the back of the line of waiting passengers my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

Since the flight was going to be a long one I knew I had to check it now if I didn’t want to be wondering what this phone call was about for half a day. “Hello, George speaking. How can I help you?” I asked, since I hadn’t bothered checking who was calling me (dumb choice I know, this is how scammers work).

“George honey.” It was my mother, she sounded worried. “Are you on the plane yet? Have you left for L’manburg?”
“Clearly not if I am talking to you, mum.” I answered with a slightly exasperated sigh, while taking a step back so an elderly couple could go in front of me.

“You do know you don’t need to go, right?” She said cautiously. “Your father had always said that L’manburg was a terrible place to live. Bless his soul.” You could hear the slight sadness in her voice as she talked about her deceased husband. He had died in a car accident a couple of years ago and my mother was still mourning him.

For a couple of months I had been living with her, although both of us knew I wasn’t going to be staying with her for too long. However when I told her I was moving back to L’manburg, I had expected her to be happy, especially since I offered to let her move to live with me there. Instead she was just worried, trying to convince me that moving back was a bad idea.

“Mum, I know. But I want to. I miss being there. Are you sure you don’t want to come? I can book you another plane ticket for the next flight that comes.” She sighed audibly from the other end of the line and this was when I noticed how short the line of people was in front of me. “I have to go or I’ll miss my flight, but I’ll call you when I land.”

She still seemed upset but gave me a goodbye, just before I hung up the phone and went to hand my ticket to the woman waiting, thanking her as it got scanned then I began  heading the rest of the way to the plane.

It was a high quality plane, and even though I was in economy seating it was still comfortable enough for me to have a sleep if I wanted to. A woman already had the middle seat with her son (who looked about eight or nine) sitting beside her.

After a long, boring, ten minute wait, having to sit through the safety briefing and the pilot giving a weather report and eta about L’manburg, we finally were on the runway. The last time I had been on a plane was the time that we moved, and it honestly felt as weird as I remember. However I couldn’t help but smile at the eight year olds excited reaction.

For a couple of hours the mother and I talked, and I found out that it was her twenty eighth birthday and she was flying to L’manburg to celebrate. In turn, after hearing her story I told her mine, all about how I used to live in L’manburg, then moved away, and was now moving back seven years later.

Talking to her, and occasionally talking to her son, was overall really entertaining. Is what I thought to myself once we’d landed in the L’manburg airport and we’d gone our separate ways. I had gotten my suitcase, and was walking towards the taxi parking which was labelled on signs hanging overhead.
1217 words

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, how does the story sound from this chapter alone?

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