Chapter 71: Hotel

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George POV.

We were driving around the city for over an hour, with Clay every so often stopping the car and doing a sudden u-turn, or driving around a block two or three times. It was honestly quite boring, and I didn’t want to start up a conversation so I had drifted off at some point around the twenty minute mark.

I was unfortunately shaken awake by the blond after a twenty five minute nap. Because of my sleepy state I was practically carried by the blond into another car which was just as flash as the one we’d been driving. Before we drove off I got a glance around the place and it seemed to be the inside of a large storage locker.

Finally we reached the sixty minute mark and Clay glanced at his watch before beginning to follow the directions on the GPS, finally heading towards the Starlight Resort. Just like the blond had explained it was a large hotel, towering at least twenty stories high as we rolled up to the valet.

Two flashly dressed men were waiting at the glass doors and ran to us when the car stopped, each heading to one of the doors and opening it with a polite bow. I stepped out while muttering a small ‘thank you’ as Clay ran around to walk beside me.

He handed the keys to one of the men and they got to work taking the three suitcases and the briefcase out of the back before the man holding the keys got in the driver's side to move it around to parking. I watched curiously at how efficiently the two men worked, as the man with the suitcases put them on a bellboy trolley and began wheeling our luggage inside.

”C’mon George,” The mafia boss encouraged, his hand resting gently on the small of my back as he began leading me towards the entrance. I smiled at him as we walked through the sliding glass doors before my eyes widened at the fully furnished interior.

We were standing in a large foyer, with the roof being at least thirty feet above our heads and letting in a lot of light from the windows on three of the four walls. The only wall that didn’t have windows instead had a large reception desk, with two flash elevators and a large staircase on either side.

The rest of the room was decorated by plush red couches surrounding glass tables, large leafy plants, and fireplaces. TVs were suspended from the ceiling, each showing things such as news stations, soap operas, sports games, and even the hotel's channel which showed everything on offer to do over the expanse of many levels.

Although I would have happily left Clay and gone to explore every inch of this place I noticed that someone was approaching us, someone who just so happened to be one of my best friends from high school. “Dream!” Alex greeted, walking towards us and finally stopping when we reached each other near the exact middle of the foyer.

“Karl told me that you had to evacuate and needed to stay somewhere for a while. I’m so sorry that you have to do this.” His expression was solemn as he looked at the masked smiley face which nobody else in the room paid any mind to.
“Yes, thank you Alex for being able to help. It means a lot.”

We began walking towards the elevators, with Alex passing each of us a key card which was a shiny platinum colour. “These types of cards mean you get free everything, room service, massages in the spa, meals at the restaurants. The only thing they don’t cover is the casino, for obvious reasons.” He attempted a chuckle as we stepped into an elevator waiting for us.

The bellboy stepped in as well as Alex paused, almost as if he realised something after pressing the button to the top floor, with the only higher button being ‘roof’. “How come you think you got caught now of all times? No one had ever suspected the mansion before.”
“I’m not exactly sure about that either.” Clay replied with gritted teeth, glaring at me.

“Well whatever the reason is,” Alex continued, “you are able to stay here until it is all sorted out.” The door opened with a light ding and he led us out, with the bellboy following behind us. I admired the hallway, it was quite large, and there were two sets of double doors facing each other.

“You two are having the room on the left,” Alex stated as he started leading us that way. “Inside both there are two bedrooms, both with king sized beds, large ensuites, closets, offices, and balconies. Bad, Sapnap, and Karl have the other room, which is identical. The best part though, is you will get priority with room service and all of that.”

He took out a manager's key card, one that gives him access to any room that he wants and stuck it in the door. After less than a second there was an electronic beep and he quickly removed the card before pushing the door open.

It was just as large and luxurious as the foyer downstairs was, fully decorated with furniture that looked as though each item cost more than one thousand bucks, at the very least. My mouth almost dropped open in awe as the bellboy began unloading the suitcases off of the trolley for myself and Clay.

“Just use one of the phones, which are in any room, if you need anything, you just dial triple zero.” Quackity explained as he stood in front of a grand fireplace which was already lit. “And I don’t know how your relationship is at the moment, but every room here is soundproof.”
“Not the time Quackity.” Clay sighed, while I just blushed at the comment.

The two of them continued to talk as I grabbed my suitcase and walked into one of the bedrooms. It was just as flash as Quackity described, and I instantly collapsed on my bed, which was as soft as the one back at the mansion that I had been sleeping on. I decided I’d unpack later as I looked over a menu on the bedside table.

It had a list of everything that could be ordered from room service, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, snack trays, and drinks. Part of me wanted to order something now, but I was waiting for Clay to come in and possibly yell at me and so I didn’t want to act as though I was skimming lightly around it by ordering myself something flash from room service.

On the other side of the menu it was a welcome message, thanking me for staying at this hotel and all that. There was a list of all of the activities, and the hotel dialling number in order to connect to each and every room. Indoor pools, cinemas, meeting rooms, kids clubs for different age groups (0-4, 5-8, 9-13, 14-17), a casino, a shopping floor, and dozens of other activities.

A diagram of the hotel was alongside the list of activities pointing out where all of these activities and attractions were spread over the various floors. I wondered if I would be allowed to go check out some of them, cause it seemed like this place could be fun, but before I could think anything the door opened and Clay stepped into the room.
1257 words

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