Chapter 53: Opportunity

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But the opportunity for what?
That is the question

Dream POV.

I watched from a distance, seeing George as he dusted down the dining room while chatting with Karl. Meanwhile I was standing in the doorway, chatting with Sapnap about the shorter of the two brunette’s.

The two of them had started hanging out a lot ever since George met ‘Clay’ at the mall two days ago, first with the sleepover and now Karl offering to help George out with cleaning. I mean, it was nice that George was making friends, however I couldn’t help but feel the jealousy boiling up inside of me.

George and Karl spent the night together in Karl’s room, Karl painted George’s nails, and they shared food. It was almost as if the two of them were in a relationship, and I hated it. Obviously I knew that Karl was dating Sapnap, and that even though they have opened their relationship in the past they would not do it for George.

Standing beside me and bearing witness to my sour mood was Sapnap, silently listening as I grumbled to myself over Karl getting so close to George. “Dude you need to calm down,” he whispered to me, making sure that it wasn’t loud enough to get the attention of the two standing down the other end of the room. “Karl is not into George.”

“Are you sure? Has he mentioned anything about moving to a polyamorous relationship?” I questioned desperately.
“It doesn’t look like they are doing anything remotely romantic,” the ravenette avoided my question, motioning towards the pair while they were giggling at a joke one of them had made.

“Has he given any hints that he is going to break up with you?” I continued, before immediately getting shoved.
“Dream, honestly.” Sapnap grumbled. “Karl is not wanting a polyamorous relationship with George or anybody else at the moment, and he is not breaking up with me either.”

“Good,” I hummed, calming down slightly and watching as the pair of them glanced over at me, with George lowering the duster down slightly as his gaze drifted over both of us. Sapnap waved at the pair, although specifically at Karl, who happily waved back.

“If you are jealous though, then why not spend time with him?” My best friend continued. “You could take him out somewhere for lunch, or to the beach for a nice afternoon walk.”
“It’s the end of October.” I reminded him once he had given the suggestion of a walk on the beach in the chilly weather.

“But that means it’ll be quiet and private.” He hummed. “Making it intimate.” I rolled my eyes at the ravenette as he kept going on.
“Real mature,” I responded. “I will not be doing anything outwardly romantic with him when we are walking along the beach.”

“Even if it’s freezing and he doesn’t have a jacket or hoodie? You wouldn't be romantic and chivalrous to help if George was shivering from the cold.” My best friend hummed teasingly, causing me to roll my eyes.
“You are such an idiot.” I allowed myself to chuckle lightly.

“And you are such a baby when it comes to your feelings.” He responded. “Now, I will take Karl and we’ll leave you alone with George. Don’t mess up what time you do have with him, okay?” I nodded, thanking my friend for helping me as he walked past me and away from the door.

“Karl,” the ravenette cooed in the direction of his boyfriend, gaining the attention of the two brunette’s. “I’m feeling like going out for lunch. I know a nice restaurant for couples. Dream already said that we could take the afternoon off for a little time for just the two of us.” Sapnap smirked over his shoulder at me when I scoffed at him, since I obviously didn’t say that.

I didn’t say anything to stop him though as Karl blushed lightly at the underlying theme of the message and gave a small nod. Before doing anything Sapnap turned back to me and mouthed a quick ‘you’re welcome’ then he turned and ran to Karl, taking the brunette’s hand lovingly in his own.

There was a silent conversation between the two of them, where they mainly switched small flirtatious comments with each other as they hurried out of the room. Both I and George followed them with our eyes, and the moment they were out of sight the brunette glanced over at me before returning to his work, dusting down the far side of the room.

I honestly wasn’t sure what to do with this opportunity that Sapnap had given me. I could do what he suggested and take him out to lunch, or to the beach, but I knew that George probably wouldn’t want either of those.

George POV.

A couple moments passed, a clear tension between us as I attempted to clean while Dream’s gaze burned into my back. Moments turned into minutes, several long minutes in fact. Minutes where I attempted to dust but found it to be difficult while the blond was watching me from behind.

The thought of the mafia boss looking over what I was doing put me on edge, since I knew that any slip up I made could get me in trouble. So, while I tried to be fast to not piss him off by taking too long, I also attempted to break anything at the exact same time.

Usually when members of the mafia were around I’d be calmer. Sapnap I was fine dealing with, we didn’t talk much but every so often he’d pass a quiet comment over to me. Bad and Karl were both better, often making conversation with me as I cleaned and even helping on occasion.

Anyone else besides those three I was uncomfortable around. The majority were random people who were part of the mafia or doing business deals with the mafia at the very least. I was thankful that most of them avoided me, with a couple attempting to make conversation but only getting blank space answers in response.

Sam, Punz, and a bunch of other members of the mafia I had met over the past few weeks were slightly above the majority of those strangers. There were a couple of people I met such as Eret and Foolish who were slightly better and I’d give a hello to, but that was all.

The only person who was worse than everyone else was Dream. Although he had been kinder to me than some of these other people, he was also able to do more damage. If I did or said something that pissed him off then he could add to my debt, or even kill me.

Speak of the devil, I suddenly heard footsteps. The blond had moved from where he’d been standing by the door and was now approaching me. “Hey George,” he greeted casually, as though we were close friends and not a kidnapper and his victim. “How are you going?”
“Fine.” I responded blandly. “Just cleaning the dining room like you asked.”

“It definitely looks a lot cleaner,” Dream continued, admiring the work that had been done. “Are you nearly finished?” He seemed more eager as he asked that, and it made me feel like he was wanting me to do another job for him once I had finished, and so I shook my head.
“Not really.” I told him, not giving any more context.

Roughly, I was half-way through cleaning the room. I’d started by wiping down the tables and chairs, washing the windows, and was now dusting the rest of the room. After that was done I had to mop up the floor, polish the door handles and set the table, all because Dream was planning some fancy ass dinner for this evening which I most likely had to stay in my room for.

“What else do you have to do?” He asked curiously. “It can’t be much, can it?” At the second question I began listing off the things I had to do, explaining them in a way which made them sound much more complicated and time consuming than they were. “Well, if you want, I can give you the afternoon off and give some of my maids your job.”

I nodded, before my mind caught up to me and I realised there was something strange about this offer, but I didn’t have time to question it as the mafia boss awkwardly grabbed me and began leading me off.
1442 words

What is Dream going to George now? Nobody knows...

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