Chapter 50: Office and Calls

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How is everyone's day going?
Karl POV.

When we’d gotten back from ice cream George and I split up, he went to his room to put his stuff away, and I told him that I was going to head to my bedroom and I’d meet him there. But before I did that I wanted to talk to Dream first.

Without bothering to knock I burst open the door to Dream’s office. Both he and Sapnap were sitting by the window and chatting quietly, however they turned and stood up when I came in. “I really need to remind both of you to knock at some point, don’t I?” Dream half-heartedly questioned with a laugh.

“You know you can’t stop us,” Sapnap responded smugly, moving over to me and pulling me close to him with an arm around my waist. “You love us too much.”
“Unfortunately enough for me.” Dream huffed. “So when did you get back?”

I went onto an explanation about how we stopped off for ice cream and a talk, before cutting myself off since I couldn’t stop smiling. “He still really likes you, Dream,” I spoke so quickly he might not have been able to make out what I had said. “I told him that I might be able to organise a time for the two of you to meet up again.”

The blond took a moment to respond, and even though he was wearing a mask both the ravenette and I knew he was probably smiling brightly and blushing. “Really?” He asked me in a hushed voice, although he should already know that because it was clear by the way they had been interacting.

I gave a nod of confirmation, watching as he reached up and took his mask off. Sure enough, his face was dusted with a pale hue, and he was shaking slightly. Without acknowledging either of us he walked over to the window, staring out of it like those scenes in movies where there is an external monologue.

There were a couple of minutes of silence and I decided that it wasn’t worth hanging around anymore, so I turned to Sapnap.and whispered quietly to him. “George is going to be in my room tonight, so I’m going to go wait for him there.”

My boyfriend nodded and I pecked on the cheek before turning to leave, however I couldn’t even get five steps before Dream called for me to stop. I glanced over my shoulder at him, wondering what he wanted. “What else did George-erm say about me when I had left?” He had turned away from the window and his eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Sapnap and I exchanged a knowing look before I walked back over to the desk and plonked myself in Dream’s chair (which are much nicer than the other chairs in the office). Usually if anybody sat in the mafia boss’ chair he would yell at you until you left, but today Dream didn’t complain, instead he silently slunk into one of the other chairs while watching me intently.

George POV

I disappeared into my room after we both got back, promising Karl that I’d go to his room later so we could order some fast food for dinner once I was ready. After hiding all my remaining chocolate bars in the chest of drawers beside my bed, and setting the toy cat in between the five or six pillows on my bed which honestly made me feel like a princess.

All that I was planning on doing was just change into a new pair of clothes. Then I was going to head straight to Karl’s room. God, this reminded me of the sleepovers that I had way back in high school. But it probably would be nothing like that, seeing as Karl was a lot different to both Nick and Clay, and the majority of my other friends.

Once I had changed out of the clothes I had been wearing into something slightly more comfortable I was about to leave, however I noticed my phone out of the corner of my eye. The screen was lit up, and I quickly moved over to see what was happening. My heart had frozen for a moment, worrying about what was happening, then I just saw it was someone calling me.

That someone was Officer Blade. I immediately answered it, after all I owed it to both him and Officer Soot because they got me this very phone, and they were promising to help me get my life back once I got out of here.

“Hello?” I asked, wondering why he had called me, seeing as of the two officers, Officer Soot was the one who interacted with me more than Officer Blade.
“George,” he greeted, seeming surprised I had picked up. “This is the third time that you’ve been called today, I honestly wasn’t expecting you to pick up.”

“Sorry I didn’t answer,” I responded. “I was out, and can’t exactly take my phone with me everywhere.” The way I said it made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I know that,” he answered in a monotone voice. “I was just stating a fact.” The way he said it made me shiver out of fear.

“Well,” I hesitated after hearing what he had just said. “What were you wanting?” As I spoke I kept glancing at the door, worrying that somebody might come in. To avoid the chance of anyone finding me, I hurried into the ensuite bathroom and locked the door behind me. “I am not sure how much time I have though.”

“Wilbur just instructed me to tell you that we’ve decided to move.” He explained to me once I was leaning against the sink in the now locked bathroom.
“Move?” I questioned in response, not understanding what he was meaning.

“Yes,” he replied. “Move in on Dream. We think we have enough evidence to get him a pretty long prison sentence.”
“But I don’t understand.” I said, not hiding my clear and obvious confusion. “When you first talked to me Wilbur said that you couldn’t find any evidence.”

“He lied, we did have some evidence, we didn’t want to tell you though because you might have given that information to Dream.” That made me feel insulted. Why would I ever give information to my kidnappers? “Don’t take it personally,” he continued, “but Dream is manipulative, and if anything did happen and the information got out, not everything would fall into enemy hands.”

That did kind of make sense, but it still hurt that he thought that I would give anything to my kidnappers. “Anyway,” Techno continued after a moment. “The police have decided to finally take Dream down. We are planning a raid on his home on the second of November, so be ready before then.”

“The second of November?” I parroted the date, feeling my heart somewhat sink. “But that’s the day after my birthday.”
“Is it?” Techno asked, hesitating for a second once I gave a ‘mhm’ as a form of confirmation. It fell almost silent before I suddenly heard whispering on the other end of the line.

“We didn’t realise this when we planned it.” He spoke in a softer tone this time. “I am talking to Wilbur right now and we can move the date of the raid forward so that you can be home with your family before your twenty sixth-birthday.” Hearing that they’d change their plans for me made me feel somewhat guilty, so I cut him off.

“No need.” I reassured the police officer, probably surprising him with my suddenness. “You’ve already planned everything out. I can wait a few more days until I celebrate my birthday. It’s not like twenty-six is a big thing.”

“Okay.” Techno seemed to feel better after I added that on. “Well I have to go.” He stated. “We have a drug bust that I am a big part of.” Without saying anything else, Techno hung up. I still was annoyed about the same thing that I had been annoyed about earlier.

I wasn’t going to allow myself to complain though, and allowed myself to get distracted by the promise of fast food in Karl’s room, deciding to head off there now.
1391 words

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