Chapter 54: Ducks

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Sapnap POV

“What do you think Dream and George are doing right now?” Karl questioned as we sat on a park bench in the warm sunlight.
“Their either acting like best friends or worst enemies at the moment, but it all depends on whether Dream says something stupid or not.” I responded.

“Probably enemies,” Karl then guessed, which was admittedly more likely knowing that he would say or do something that George wouldn't like to keep the brunette from finding out anything. “I don’t see why he doesn’t just come clean, wouldn’t it be quicker and easier for everyone involved?”

“It would be quicker and easier but you have to remember that Dream is an idiot when it comes to his feelings. It took me and Bad ages to convince him to confess his feelings to George back in high school.” I recounted the events. George and Dream had been the two smartest members of our friend group, however neither of them realised that they had a crush on each other.

“Honestly I hope he decides to tell George soon, or I might need to tell him myself.” The brunette half joked before I turned and kissed his forehead lightly.
“If he finally does tell George we have to throw a fucking party.” I joked back at him.

The two of us had gone out to lunch and now it was early afternoon. We had shared a romantic meal for two and decided we’d take a walk through a nearby park. Barely anybody was around, seeing as it was the middle of a work day. Only the occasional jogger, dog walker, or mother with a young child, aside from that we had our privacy.

Across from us, in the centre of the park, was a duck pond. L’manburg is a relatively warm city, never being able to get snow, however it does get icy temperatures in the middle of Winter during January. It was good enough for the ducks, seeing as they were still swimming around, quacking at each other and just doing what ducks do.

We’d brought some bread which we were ripping into tiny morsels before throwing over to the ducks which were gathering around the water's edge closest to us. Karl kept talking about how cute they looked, and how he wanted to have a pet duck but knew Dream would probably yell at him if he brought a duck into the mansion.

And because we were both malicious criminals who were a part of the most dangerous mafia in the city, we both ignored the signs that said not to feed the ducks. Just goes to show how evil we are, even when cuddling up next to each other on a bench at the park.

“Maybe we should head back.” He hummed lightly, leaning his head on my shoulder as I played with his hair. “It is starting to get cold.”
“We could head back if you wanted.” I responded, honestly not minding because I was getting cuddles here, and knowing how our dates usually ended I’d get something similar at home.

The brunette nodded and took my hand, pulling me up. As we walked back in the direction of the carpark at the other end of the park he quickly ripped up and threw the last bit of bread, making the ducks go mental as they fought over the food. Our hands stayed clasped together though, the warmth coming from him alone being enough to warm up my body.

I admired my boyfriend’s appearance, wondering how I got so lucky. If only George had been around, I had always rambled to him or Bad about my relationships, seeing as they were more into romantics than Dream, and Quackity, not much more, but a little more at the very least.

He has helped with my relationship a lot when I got with Stephanie back in high school, back before I met Karl. She and I had shared a couple of classes, and she was on the cheer squad while I was a footballer, and I did have a crush on her. George had been the one to encourage me to finally ask her out.

Because of the way that the brunette had set me up with her, it meant that we stayed on good terms. In fact, she was now working for Dream as well from her job inside of the news station. I met Karl a couple of months after we broke up, and was honestly extremely nervous since I didn’t have George to help me, but we were going strong.

However, at the moment I wasn’t thinking about my relationship with Karl (even though it was absolutely, one hundred percent perfect), I was more worried about the relationship of my two school friends. There was a likely chance that Dream had done something stupid to damage their relationship even further.

George POV.

“Never expected a mafia boss to be so good at minecraft.” I chuckled, gripping the controller tightly as I stacked myself up on a dirt tower.
“I have a lot of things that I’m good at, George,” he responded. “Minecraft is just one of the less illegal things.”

When he offered to let me do something else I had expected it to be something boring such as read another one of the Percy Jackson books while under supervision from him in his office. A minecraft survival world had been a pleasant surprise.

For the better half of an hour we’d been playing together, acting like friends. Together we’d made a farm, stolen from a bunch of villages, and built a house together, joking back and forth the entire time.

He seemed to enjoy making a dozen jokes every couple of minutes, even once putting his minecraft bed beside mine on the first night to ‘conserve space’ in our small three by four dirt shack. Even though I played it off and took it as a joke I couldn’t help the blush that was building up inside of me.

We were in some kind of hang out that was on the other side of the mansion from my room and the blond’s office. It was the same one where I had been when I was almost shot after people broke in. The room was just as quiet as it had been the last time I was in here, except the few gunshots and smashed objects that had been heard were replaced by the mafia boss’ laughter.

The furniture that had been damaged was replaced with things of even better quality. I hadn’t been in the room since then, but once I had heard Sapnap go on a rant about how much comfier the chairs and couch were, and I could see a difference in the large flatscreen tv, the dartboard, and the pool table, all of which were shiny showing that they hadn’t been used much.

Dream let out a loud groan as he died in the middle of a cave, knowing that he most likely wouldn’t get back to his iron gear in time. It took him a moment to calm down before he glanced over at me. “So, it’s your birthday in a couple of days right?” He asked, and I nodded. “Are there any gifts that you want me to get?”

I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he was actually going to get me a gift for my birthday, which once again made the stereotypical bad guys completely one-eighty. “What am I allowed to ask for?” I questioned, mainly because this was all strange for me.

“Anything besides drugs, weapons, or prostitutes.” He stated, I could tell his attention was focused on the screen again as his character began moving around.
“Why no prostitutes?” I responded, raising an eyebrow teasingly although I never was intending to ask for them in the first place.

Dream pretended he didn’t hear me as he found the entrance to the cave. I thought for a moment before answering. “I want to be able to see Clay again. I saw him for the first time in years and I’ve never felt happier. But, I doubt you’ll let him visit on my birthday.”

“You never know,” he practically smirked, making me instantly feel a slight buzz at the idea of maybe seeing Clay again, and on my birthday of all days.
1402 words

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