Chapter 66: Bath

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Hello, it is me Ezra.

I am back again for more smut (and some aftercare and a little bit of subspace)
Clay POV.
Smut warning (just for the start)

George babbled out a string of words that I could barely understand, trying to describe how he feels, calling out my name, and a large array of swear words as he was overcome with pleasure. There was only one sentence that I could really understand: ‘Clay… wanna cum~’ was what I made it out to be.

“Of course you can cum baby,” I responded, brushing my hand along his face and watching as he leaned into it. “You don’t need to ask me for permission. After all it's your birthday.”
George didn’t respond, instead arching his back and letting out a loud moan as he released over both of our chests before collapsing back against the bed.

I had slowed down my thrusting a bit after he fell back, not wanting to overstimulate him too much, but it was difficult since I was close and wanted nothing more than to fill the beautiful brunette beneath me. Plus, he was making the cutest noises known to man, and they were all because of me.

“You’re so good for me baby.” I cooed, pressing my forehead against his shoulder which was hot and glistening with sweat. “Just hold on for a few moments for me. Then I’ll run you a warm bath and we can cuddle. Does that sound nice?”

My only answer was a strangled whine, with the brunette being too exhausted to comprehend my words too much for a proper response. It made me chuckle as I moved to press a kiss to his forehead. Then fell silent as I focused on reaching my high.

As I focused on trying to reach my high I couldn’t help but admire the brunette’s fucked out face, his eyes which were fluttering as he stared up at the ceiling, from what little glimpses I got of his eyes I saw they were glazed over and hazy. His lips were parted as he attempted to regain his breath, matching with the quick rise and fall of his chest.

“I’m close Georgie.” I told him after a couple of minutes. My hip movements were starting to falter. “Do you want me inside or out?” I questioned.
“Wan’ you in.” He managed to let out, before his head fell back again with another moan.

I pressed an appreciative kiss on his lips before releasing a low groan. With one firm thrust I felt the knot building up inside me break and I released into the brunette, who also whimpered at the feeling. As my orgasm ran through me I continued to thrust into him, abusing his prostate for the last couple of minutes until I calmed down.

Smut over, just aftercare

Ever since I released into the small Brit he’d been letting out small whines. Once I’d calmed down I pulled out of him, causing him to let out one more strained moan. I hushed him gently as I lifted him up in my arms. “Clay~” he whimpered lightly, immediately beginning to nuzzle his head against my chest.

His eyes were tired and droopy, but blown as wide as baseballs. “Are you okay baby?” I asked as I carried the brunette into the bathroom, planning on running him a bath to clean him up in, and so that he could relax as I cleaned up the bed. He muttered something out that I couldn’t understand but seemed comfortable, so I assumed he was fine.

“Are you feeling subby?” I questioned as I brushed my hand through his soft hair. In the past when we’d have sex, he’d often end up subby afterwards, and I always had to be gentle with him so that he didn’t freak out, not that I minded being able to treat George like the princess he was.

“Noo-” he whined. “ ‘m fine.” The brunette claimed, although it was obviously not the case. I rolled my eyes but responded with a ‘sure you are’.
I continued to cradle him and compliment him as I filled up the large spa bath with warm water and bubbles, all the while he seemed to be trying to fall asleep.

George’s eyes fluttered open when I lowered him into the bath, before looking up at me. “Clay-” he whined. As he spoke, the brunette made grabby hands up at me, clearly wanting me to join him in the bath. I lowered myself down to kiss him before reassuring him that I’d be back in a minute and just wanted to make sure the bed was clean.

George POV.

A pout was visible on my face as I watched as Clay left, before I lowered my gaze to glower into the water. I wanted him close to me. I wanted to cuddle him. I didn’t want him to leave. My mind was fuzzy and I wanted him to come back to hold me again. Even though I knew he was cleaning up the bed so that it wouldn’t be dirty and disgusting when we were clean.

Thankfully though the blond was relatively fast and returned to me, cooing at me as I watched him. “Sorry that I took so long Georgie.” He muttered as he climbed into the bath behind me and pulled me onto his lap. “I made sure to get a fluffy blanket for you to snuggle up in. Does that sound good?”

I hummed a yes as he grabbed some soap and began lathering it in his hands before massaging my back with it to clean me. Clay’s movements were slow and gentle, making me want to drift off to sleep. My eyes fluttered closed and I tested my head on his shoulder before suddenly feeling a kiss on my temple, making me grumble as I opened my eyes again.

“Stay awake for me baby.” He instructed in a caring tone. “I know you want to sleep, but just wait for a few minutes, okay?”
I reluctantly nodded, resting my head on his shoulder as he managed to clean both of us down with soap with relaxing, comforting movements.

Suddenly I was lifted up and noticed that the water was being drained out. My gaze drifted over to the blond as he wrapped me in a towel and carried me into the bedroom. Clay set me down on the bed and began drying me as I laid there tiredly, continuing to enjoy his soft touches, and sweet compliments the entire time.

He pulled me close to him after drying himself, and we cuddled up on the bed as he pulled the covers over us. I smiled contently as I found myself curling up against him and drifting off to sleep.
1183 words

4 here for a moment.

Tomorrow is the final chapter of Rich Romance, which is a story published on my account but written by both myself (for the early chapters), and iikxtezz for the more recent chapters to anybody who wants to check it out.

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