Chapter 19: Ferris wheel

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Karl yelling at Sapnap.
Karl POV.

“Sapnap!” I called out angrily, holding the photo that I had snuck out of George’s room as I stomped through the halls. “Where the honk are you?” I kept glancing down at the picture as I walked, the one that showed him and George on a ferris wheel together, both smiling happily, and I felt myself flooding with confusion and annoyance.

“I’m here,” Sapnap responded, stepping out of the living room, already knowing that he was in trouble based on how he looked. I continued to glare at him as I grabbed his arm wordlessly, dragging the ravenette upstairs to my bedroom so I could interrogate him.

“Karl, are you okay?” The ravenette questioned worriedly as I pushed him down on my bed before crossing my arms and glaring at him. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Why is there a photo of you with George?” I asked in response, showing him the photo and watching as he examined it and his eyes widened.

Sapnap took a while, not saying anything to me as he just stared at the frame and I tapped my foot impatiently. “Are you going to answer why there is a picture of you and him?” I questioned, hoping to hurry up the process of figuring out what was going on.
“Oh,” he responded, before asking a question instead of answering. “Where did you get this?”

“It was in George’s room.” I answered, before repeating the same question I’d asked him previously. “Why is there a photo of you and George?”
“Just because,” he attempted to shrug me off before standing back up, however I pushed him back down before he could get too far. “It’s none of your business.”

“Just because?” I repeated. “Look sorry if I sound rude but there is a photo of you at some sort of carnival with somebody that we kidnapped, and you seem to be buddies with him in this photo. And what do you mean this is none of my business? I am your boyfriend, this should one hundred percent be my business.”

The ravenette seemed worried as I raised my tone in anger at him, however he managed to hide this fact as he responded. “I’m sorry,” Sapnap said with a sigh, “but it is not my place to say why I have this photo. And you probably stole that from George’s room, so go put it back.”

What he said actually made me scoff at this point. “Go put it back?” I mirrored what he said as I crossed my arms. “You work for a mafia, when do you care about me or anyone stealing since that is half of the shit we do?”
“Karl please,” he said quietly, “just trust me for this one thing.”

“No Sapnap, can you trust me enough to tell me why this is going on?” My gaze softened as I looked over at him, allowing myself to calm down for a couple of moments as I did. The ravenette took a moment before sighing at me and nodding, an indication that he had given in to his internal fight and was going to tell me.

Sapnap POV.

“Look sorry if I sound rude but there is a photo of you at some sort of carnival with somebody that we kidnapped, and you seem to be buddies with him in this photo. And what do you mean this is none of my business? I am your work colleague and your boyfriend, this should one hundred percent be my business.”

“I’m sorry,” I began before noticing that Karl gave me one of ‘those looks’, one of the ones that made it clear I wasn’t getting out of this conversation without telling him everything that was happening. It just wasn’t my place to tell Karl why there was a photo of myself with George.

If I told him why there was a photo of myself with George, that would lead to him making the connection between Dream and George. Afterall he knew that Dream and I were best friends when we were younger. So I explained that to him, somewhat. “But it is not my place to say why I have this photo.”

My eyes screwed shut and I imagined what it would be like if I told Karl and then somehow the whole mafia found out. Because that could lead to other rival gangs and mafias finding out which would put George even more at risk. So I added on, ”and you probably stole that from George’s room, so go put it back.”

“Go put it back?” Karl responded instantly with a scoff, seeming somewhat shocked that I’d even suggest the idea to do that. “You work for a mafia, when do you care about me or anyone stealing since that is half of the shit we do?”
“Karl please,” I said quietly, trying not to upset him. “Just trust me for this one thing.”

“No Sapnap, can you trust me enough to tell me why this is going on?”
‘It’s not my place to tell him’ I told myself, and I also really don’t feel like facing Dream’s wrath if he finds out I told Karl. He seemed upset when I hesitated to tell him and so I just decided… fuck it. 

After all I cared about Dream as a brother, however I cared about Karl a lot more in a different sense. “Fine,” I huffed, looking at him as I crossed my arms, still feeling uncertain if telling him was a good idea or not. “George was brought in because his parents owed money to Dream’s parents before they died.” I began.

Karl uncrossed his arms as he listened to me as I continued to explain, feeling cautious about explaining too much. “The reason that Dream doesn’t want to hurt him is because George used to be friends with me and him, and because George used to date Dream in high school.”
“Wait really?” The brunette asked, and I nodded at him.

“Holy shit,” he murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. “Are you being fucking serious? Dream used to date George?” Karl responded.
“Yes, but you can’t go around telling everyone.” I reminded him. “If anyone outside of the mafia finds out then he could be in a lot of danger.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this. Are you the only one that knows about this?” I shook my head, telling him about how Bad was our friend back in high school as well which almost seemed to surprise Karl more than the fact that Dream and George used to date.

There was an awkward laugh from me after the long silence, however I decided to end it by smiling at him. “Would you like to go and play some minecraft?” I offered, before grinning once he nodded at me. For a while I knew that I could push memories of this entire situation into the back of my mind while I just have some fun playing video games with my boyfriend.
1216 words

Sapnap told Karl because he knew if he didn't Karl would make him sleep on the couch (even though they live in a mansion). Sapnap wants his cuddles with Karl and s...


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