Chapter 59: Buffet

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George POV.

“God I’m stuffed,” I grumbled, resting my head in my arms against the large circular table. From beside me Karl giggled, feeling exactly the same but taking some joy in how I was acting.
“It’s not that bad George,” he responded, trying to control his laughter as he took a sip from his glass of water.

“How was that ‘not that bad’?” I responded. “That is more food than I’ve eaten in ages, I don’t think that I could eat that much at a meal again even if I go for weeks without food.”
“Are you sure that this is all you want to eat?” The brunette asked. “We can order some more if you are still hungry?”

“Do I look like I am still hungry?” I asked, before groaning as I shifted uncomfortably, making a spike of pain shoot through my stomach.
“Not sure, your groaning makes it seem like you’re still hungry,” he joked.

The two of us had spent over two hours at the restaurant Karl had organised for us to eat at. We had been sitting on our own, in a private function room which was able to have groups of up to fifty people. Our voices and laughs echoed throughout the room, which was thankfully soundproof since we’d have gotten lots of complaints if it hadn’t been.

Something that Karl had forgotten to mention was that this restaurant was buffet style, meaning along the back of the room was a table stacked with some of the fanciest breads, soups, meats, and other dishes that were available. Both of us tried everything at least once, and then returned to get more of anything else.

I had gone back and forth from the buffet table at least fifteen times, and even now as my stomach was close to exploding the enticing smell wafting over to where I sat tried to convince me to go back for another helping. Karl seemed to be having the same problem as he took deep inhales of the smell of the food.

“We should probably leave before we eat anything else and have our stomachs explode.” I stated, managing to stand up despite my body’s protests.
“Yeah,” the brunette agreed, standing up and taking a moment to stretch.

Both of us took our time to call over the waiter so we could pay using Dream’s credit card, which he had allowed us to take for the day. The buffet cost sixty dollars each for us to eat as much as we wanted, then we spent about forty dollars on drinks each, and it was three hundred dollars to book the function room as well. Meaning a total of four hundred dollars went away over the span of two hours.

Over the past few times that I had been to any shops with Karl, or occasionally Dream and Sapnap. I had noticed on these trips that they’d be fine flaunting their big credit cards around; buying fancy meals, flash clothes, highest quality make-up, and never really seemed to care.

I mean, they were a mafia and they were rich, but it still felt weird, especially when it was for my birthday lunch. Usually for myself and my mother when we went out to a restaurant we would both be stuffed on eighty dollars being spent for the two of us.

The two of us walked out of the restaurant into the sunlight, it was surprisingly warm for November, almost as if the world was celebrating my birthday. Karl and I simultaneously collapsed on a bench which was meant for a bus stop, however the time table showed it wouldn’t be here for another twenty minutes.

“What do you want to do now?” Karl asked, glancing over at me after we’d taken a moment to regain our breaths.
“Not sure, I want to sit back and relax and hope that my stomach doesn’t explode.” I muttered to myself, however it was loud enough for him to hear.

“Really?” The brunette questioned in a somewhat whiny tone. “That can’t be all. We could go literally anywhere in the city. And we have Dream’s money with no restriction as to how much we can spend.” A malicious gleam was in his eye as they said that. I unanimously agreed with him, deciding that since we did have a whole afternoon to kill it would be fun.

“Well where do you want to go then?” He continued. For a couple of moments I thought about it with him dropping suggestions every now and then. Saying we could buy me a nice suit, or that there was an exhibit at the museum about pop culture in the early 2000s, or that there was a paintball arena that could have us play a 1v1.

I listened to all of the suggestions that he gave before making up my mind. I told him where I wanted to go and he beamed over at me. “Cool,” he smiled at my suggestion. “Let’s go then, we don’t want to keep the birthday boy waiting.”

Sapnap POV.

“Do you remember what flavour of pizza George liked best?” Dream asked, glancing at me. “I want to know what I should order.” He was sitting on the edge of his bed in his room while glancing down at his phone, glancing over the Dominos online menu and trying to figure out what he should get.

“He’s your ex boyfriend.” I responded as I sat opposite him. “You should know this stuff.”
“Yeah I know.” The blond said with a saddened expression, almost as if he felt guilty that he didn’t remember. “I just want to make his birthday enjoyable. It’s the first one that I’ve been around to celebrate in seven years Sapnap.”

Seeing his expression and how worried he was about this made me regret the subtle comment I had made, and the many other comments that I had been making for the past couple of hours. I had agreed to help him with the last preparations for George’s birthday since Karl was going out to lunch with him. Bad had also agreed but had left to go pick up the cake a while ago.

“Do you remember if he liked meatlovers?” The blond questioned. “Or Margherita? Or did he like Hawaiian?” I huffed out as he scrolled back and forth, looking over each of the different options.
“It’s been seven years Clay,” I responded sympathetically. “It’s okay if you don’t remember.”

He ignored my comment, continuing to mutter the names of pizza to himself as he tried to remember what George would order. Was this the point that my best friend was going to go insane? Not with anything to do with all the murder, and torture, and exploitation, but while he was trying to order a pizza for his ex.

After watching him struggle for a few long, yet highly entertaining, minutes I decided to put him out of his misery. “Clay,” I hummed, getting his attention.
“What?” He replied, without looking away from the phone and up at me.
“Why not just order multiple pizzas?” I questioned, before watching as he froze.

“Oh,” was his quiet response, once he realised that ordering more than one pizza would probably be the best option. “But we’ll have so much left over. What about all the stuff we don’t eat?”
“You put it in the fridge and other people in the mafia will eat it cause they all like pizza.”

My deadpanned voice mixed with my blank expression made his face flush slightly, realising that he was kind of an idiot for not thinking these things earlier. “Thanks for the help Nick,” he murmured quietly after a minute. “I really appreciate it.”
“Anything for my best friend.” I smiled. “I want to see you and George happy.”

We fell into a peaceful silence as he placed the order, ordering for us to go into the shop and pick it up an hour from now. Then the blond leaned back slightly, contempt with what he had organised. I stood up, knowing that he probably wanted some time to himself to think.

“I’ll come get you in forty five minutes so we can pick up the pizza.” I stated, smiling at my friend one more time before pulling my mask back over my face and leaving the room.
1476 words

And, I have counted up the votes for the story, and the winner is Action, the movie star AU. This means that after this story, and after the Prison AU (King of the Cell), this story will be  uploaded.

But just like all the other times I hold a vote, I want to repeat the fact that I will be writing all stories unless I say otherwise. They just happen in the order people want to see them.

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