Chapter 82: Balcony

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George POV.

With a fluffy blanket draped around our shoulders Clay and I cuddled on the balcony in the evening. We’d gotten back from dinner and I came out here to relax while the blond went to do some paperwork, but he joined me a couple of minutes ago and now we sat in a comfortable silence staring up at the stars.

The blanket was pulled up to just above my nose, keeping me safe from the freezing air while my head rested on Clay’s shoulder, his arms were wrapped around my waist and he was gently massaging my hips with them. Neither of us had spoken a word to each other in a while, and I couldn’t help but notice something cube shaped in the blond pocket, digging into my back.

I blushed at the thought of what it could have been at first, but I had quickly realised that it couldn’t have been his dick because his dick was definitely not shaped like a cube. Then I laughed for a few minutes at the idea of Clay’s dick being cubed shaped, which definitely confused the blond.

So then my thoughts began to wander as I tried to figure out what else it could possibly be. I didn’t want to ask him, seeing as since it was Clay it could very much be some sort of sex toy. It made me smile contently at him, being able to know what he was like even if it was horny half of the time.

Eventually though the blond spoke up. “George,” he spoke quietly, getting me to hum in order to let him know I was listening. “You remember that night after graduation when you broke up with me because you were moving?”
“Yeah,” I responded quietly. “I guess so.”

When he mentioned it I felt bad, remembering how I felt after breaking up with him. The whole time that my parents were driving us to the airport, and on the plane, and for the first month we were in the UK, I had been crying about it. What had made it feel even worse was that I had blocked his number on the way to the airport.

Clay POV.

“I have to do some paperwork, but afterwards we could watch a movie or have a naked dip in the hot tub.” I joked while kissing the brunette along the exposed upper half of his body from the dress. George chuckled before pecking me on the lips.
“Sure, come and get me when you’re ready for a swim.” He cooed playfully in response.

He walked over to the entrance of the balcony connected to the main room. I watched as he stepped out and sat down on the couch outside. I admired him for a couple of moments before heading through my bedroom and into the office.

I grabbed the safe out of its hiding spot and walked over to my desk before unlocking it. The dozens of files got pulled out and scattered over the stained oak desk and I began flicking through them, looking for a specific one that kept track of my business deals with a specific club that was trying to back out of making payments.

When I found the file I put everything else away in the safe, wanting to have as much space for the laptop and paperwork that I was doing at the moment. However, as I was putting everything away I noticed something. Tucked behind my mask had been a velvet box that I’d grabbed as we evacuated the mansion the other day, and I sighed while looking at it.

Even though it had broken my heart when George left, I couldn’t bring myself to throw out or sell the ring, it just sat on my desk along with the locket of the two of us, but now I wanted to show it to George. I clutched the box for a couple of moments, opening and shutting it to admire the ring which I had made sure I kept safe and in good condition.

It was made of pure gold, with a streak of silver wrapping around it to contrast in colour. Several small blue aquamarine gems and green emerald gems covered the entire thing. I had made sure that it was worth almost as much as George was (but George was without a doubt worth more than pure gold and silver and gemstones).

Even though I’ve only had George back properly for a couple of days I wanted to show this to him, I wanted to tell him about what happened on the night of graduation even if it would mean that the brunette would hate me. I sighed as I put the velvet box in my pocket and stood up, walking out onto the balcony.

“Hey,” I greeted, sitting beside the brunette and pulling the blanket that was around him so that it covered me as well.
“Hi,” he responded with a small smile. George adjusted himself to get comfortable and I embraced him happily.

I wanted to just dive straight into a confession, telling George every little thought I had about him, and about how much I appreciated him and all of that nonsense, but it felt like George just wanted silence, and so I gave it to him. For who knows how long we just sat there in each other's company, not saying anything to each other, but eventually I knew I had to talk.

“George,” I began before receiving a hum to show that he was listening. This is when I sighed, feeling more cautious about saying the right thing. “You remember that night after graduation when you broke up with me because you were moving?” He paused for a moment at the question, seeming guilty at the mention.

“Yeah,” he responded after a moment. “I guess so.” Then there were a couple moments of silence before he continued. “Why are you asking?”
“Well, I wanted to ask you something before you left, but I never got the chance.” I told him, rubbing the back of my head.

There were a couple of seconds of hesitation before he blinked up at me. “What did you want to ask me?” He asked, seeming worried.
“I was going to ask you if you wanted to marry me, but I never got the chance.” I explained, my hand trailing into my pocket to hold the velvet box as his eyes widened.

“You wanted to marry me?” He repeated, seeming cautious. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was going to ask you, but before I got the chance you said you wanted to break up because you were moving back to the UK.” I sighed.
“I wouldn’t have moved if you had proposed. I would have stayed here with you.”

Looking into his eyes made a small smile flicker over my face, seeing the way he looked up at me. “Would you have still run the mafia if I was there with you? Would you have hidden it from me in our marriage like you did when we were dating in highschool?” The brunette asked, and I shook my head.

“Actually I was planning on leaving the mafia if you said yes. I was hoping we’d just settle down and have a nice quiet life.” I said, briefly thinking back to what my teenage self thought my life would be like in the future.
“That sounds nice… I think that I would have loved that.”

“So, if I were to propose to you you’d say yes?” I questioned, not one hundred percent sure if I was reading the signals he was giving me right.
“I would,” he nodded. “Why? Do you want to propose?” The grin on his face made it clear that he knew the answer, but I didn’t care as I mindlessly nodded at him.

“George, do you want to marry me?” I asked him, my hand moving to my pocket and grabbing out the velvet box, however before I could open it or get down on my knees or anything he kissed me on the lips as his hands clasped mine while I was holding the box.
“I accept your proposal Clay, and I would love to marry you.” He smiled.
1453 words

Two chapters left, wonder how it is going to end.

Anyway, now that you've read this chapter, my new story King of the Cell is out! Similar to this one, Dream is very much a criminal (seems you guys like that kind of thing), but George gets falsely arrested and thrown in the prison.

Also, for THIS_IS_A_SIN (aka Wilbur simp), Wilbur is one of the first characters introduced.

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