Chapter 12: Mall

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George POV.

This ‘Sapnap’ guy, whoever he was, seemed to be cautious of me. As I sat in the back seat of the car with him driving he glanced over at me a couple of times, however the second our eyes met he’d look away again. I don’t know why he would do that though, seeing as he could probably kill me with just one hand, but I wasn’t going to question it.

I mean, I didn’t get to see much of him, but he was around the same height as me, but a more muscular build by far. He was wearing a mask, covering the lower half of his face completely so I could only see his dark brown eyes. Black pants and a black hoodie, with me obviously not being able to see the shirt.

Another thing I wasn’t going to question was why these two were taking me to a mall in the first place. Karl and Dream had both said I needed some new clothes if I was going to pay off my debt, or something like that, but I don’t see why they wanted me to go get the clothes. I mean if I had kidnapped someone I’d just bring them stuff myself, not take them to buy stuff.

The trip was a quiet one, with me staring out of the window as I tried to plan out a way to escape this situation, possibly slipping off to call out to find mall security, or saying I need to go to the bathroom and hiding out in there. Or I could convince them to get us some food and do one of those things where you write a note on the napkin asking for help.

Any of those could be good solutions, seeing as the right conditions arised, so while I was waiting, I tried to just keep listening to more and more ways to get myself out of there. Both of the pair kept an eye on me the entire ride, even though one was driving and the other was texting on his phone.

It felt like we were stuck in the tense environment of the car for a couple of hours, even though it was only a fifteen minute drive in actuality. Eventually though, we were in a car park, outside the front of a large mall, and my eyes widened as I looked around.

I recognised the place, it was a mall called the Manburg mall. In fact, it wasn’t too far from my old school, I used to hang out here almost every weekend, and everyday after school when I wasn’t busy. My friend group and I all hung out here all the time: Clay, Alex, Nick, Darryl, and myself, along with a lot of our other friends would spend every spare minute here.

Karl noticed me staring out the window at this place, probably not knowing that I was reliving some of my best memories from before I left. He reached over and shook my shoulder, scaring me slightly as I turned to look at him, however he just smiled softly.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asked, sounding surprisingly genuine (for someone in the mafia who is working for the guy who kidnapped me). Sapnap was clearly wondering the same thing as he got out of the car and walked over to my door.
“I’m feeling fine,” I answered, before trying to exit the car myself.

“Wait a minute,” Karl instructed, now sounding more serious than he had been, contradicting his bubbly personality from earlier. But I didn’t listen, instead opening the door and going to step out, however I was blocked as Sapnap climbed in beside me and slammed the door shut.

My quick actions also caused Karl to grab me and pull me against him, something that instantly made me blush. This was the most romantic form of contact I’ve had in years, and it shows. Part of me was also feeling embarrassed that these two mafia guys both saw how I was acting.

“Before we go anywhere Dream wanted me to go over rules with you,” Karl said, letting go of me as I sat back up, now having my face red and me feeling flustered and awkward. He and the ravenette just watched me curiously as I was freaking out invernally over the fact that that just happened, and with a mafia goon I had met a couple of hours ago.

“Di-did you really have to grab me like that?” I questioned, my gaze shifting to the window as I saw a pair of women walking past, the looks on their faces made it clear they thought we were some young rowdy couple, probably going to make out or have sex in a mall carpark. I shuddered at the thought alone.

“I needed to go over rules,” Karl repeated. “Anyway, I just want to make it clear that both Sapnap and I are armed, and if you do try talking to anyone we do have ways of stopping you. And, if you do try anything, you will be answering to Dream when we get back. Do you understand?” I tensed up at the mention of the mafia boss, but nodded in understanding.

“Good,” he suddenly smiled. His bubbly appearance reappeared in an instant. That’s when the door was opened by Sapnap and all three of us climbed out. My eyes immediately started darting around the parking lot, looking for anywhere that I might be able to hide if I sprinted off, but it seemed Sapnap noticed as he nudged me to hurry up.

“Don’t try looking for an escape, it won’t work.” He said to me, being the first words that he had said to me too. I couldn’t help but feel like I knew his voice from somewhere, it sounded scarily familiar, however I didn’t know where from.

Sapnap POV.

Seeing how flushed George’s face began as he fell against Karl almost made me chuckle, however I remained silent. It did remind me of our times hanging out as kids, at this mall actually, and how Clay always managed to embarrass the brunette easily at the smallest show of affection.

Part of me pitied George, watching as he listened to Karl explaining the ‘rules’ that Dream had set out before we had left. I considered letting him sneak off, under the right circumstances Karl could become just as distracted and flustered as he was. Although I doubt that would go well, if I attempted to do that.

If George did end up getting caught, by Karl or one of Dream’s other workers, he would get in trouble, Dream might even decide to punish him for disappearing. But I knew the blond was too much of a simp to do that. If he did manage to get away then I would get in trouble. Unlike George though, if we were going to be punished it would definitely be physical, and painful.

Another thing that won’t help the brunette’s escape chances is the fact that Dream had purchased this mall. It wasn’t surprising, he was rich and had loved this place since he was a kid. It had been getting run down in recent years, and so he took it upon himself to purchase and renovate the place, since it was the place where a lot of his memories of George were from.

“Do you understand?” Karl questioned, his firm, serious voice making him sound completely hot, if I do say so myself. George didn’t say anything, probably too shocked about the personality switch which had also, admittedly, shocked me the first time I’d heard it. “Good,” the taller brunette beamed, before opening the door so we could leave.

I watched George cautiously as we walked towards the main glass entrance of the mall. He was trying to spot a place to run to, or hide, if he decided to make a break for it. As much as I hated to do it, I nudged him forward, telling him that it wouldn’t work for him to try and escape.

I didn’t say anything else, out of fear that the brunette would recognise my voice. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice though, lowering his head as he continued to walk with Karl and I towards the mall entrance.
1435 words

Haha, Karl and Sapnap made Gogy blush, shows how little affection he got over the years.

(Dream can give him some attention though. Better attention than he's gotten in years. 😏)

Sorry... My Ezra got out.
He hasn't been walked today.

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