Chapter 37: Meeting

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Dream POV.

I led George to the meeting room, watching quietly as his gaze darted at each and every door that we passed. Just as we were about to reach it he gasped. "Wait!" He said suddenly, causing both myself and Bad to freeze. He looked up at us and told us that he had forgotten something in the cinema.

"Can this not wait until after George?" Bad questioned. "Dream is already late for the meeting. If you want to watch it, we shouldn't delay it any longer."
"It's fine, Bad." I quietened him. "The group is already mad enough as it is. A few more minutes won't make any difference."

I looked over at George who had a hopeful gaze, directed at me. "Sure," I told him. "Just make sure you are quick."
"Of course." He responded, before turning and running down the hallway. My gaze narrowed on him, I noticed that his leg seemed injured still.

Beside me I noticed Bad was giving me a look. "What?" I asked, trying to figure out why he was doing that. "Did I do something wrong?"
He just sighed with a small shake of his head. "George doesn't want to be part of a mafia. I just worry about what will happen if we get him involved."

"It'll be fine, Bad. He wanted to be here." I brushed him off. "You go in and tell them I'll be there in a minute, okay?" I phrased it as nicely as I could, but I was actually giving him an order. He nodded as he turned to leave, and I felt relieved to have a little bit of quiet.

A few moments after he left George returned, his limp being much more obvious this time although now didn't seem like the right time to comment on it. His hands were buried in his pocket and he murmured an apology for taking so long. "It's fine George," I reassured the brunette. "Bad is already inside though."

There was another moment of silence as my gaze trailed over his figure, not that he noticed from under the mask. "What was that thing that you had to grab?" I questioned, since he didn't seem to change anything.

For a moment the Brit hesitated, his hands drifting down his body to his pockets and he began rifling through them both at once. As I watched his curious behaviour I cocked a brow slightly, however my demeanour remained the same as he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.

"This," he stated plainly, holding it close to him so I couldn't see it clearly. "It's a photo of me and my family from a couple months before my father died. I'd like to keep it on me if you don't mind." As he said his last sentence he buried his hands back into his pockets, before balling them into fists and keeping them there.

"Of course you can keep your photo." I smiled from under my mask. His expression relaxed slightly before I turned and opened the door. There had been quiet chatter amongst the group as they had waited for me to arrive which died down once I stepped into the room. All of the talking grew quiet as I wordlessly walked over to my chair.

Everyone sat quietly with straighter as I entered, but then noticed George following in behind me. The brunette had his head low as he moved to the empty seat beside me, and for a while everyone just stared at him. Some had expressions of suspicion, and I glared at them as I began to speak.

"Sorry that I took so long," I apologised to the group with a curt nod. "I was busy with paperwork and lost track of time."
"And why is he here?" Punz questioned boredly, gesturing in the brunette's direction as he did. "I thought he was a prisoner."

"He's not a prisoner." I corrected the platinum blond. "He's just here to pay off the debt that his father owed us, then we let him go."
"But why is he 'here' here? As in, why is he in this meeting? He could overhear our plans and tell somebody."

"Who is he going to tell?" Sapnap piped up. Because the ravenette was pretty much my right hand man he was sitting to my right, while I sat at the head of the table with George. Karl was beside his boyfriend and the two of them were staring down the line with a neutral expression at Punz. "I mean he has no contact with anyone other than those that Dream allows."

"Exactly." I smirked. "George has nobody to tell, so I don't see why I can't be here."
"What happens when he pays off his debt though?" Another person sitting at the table, a man named Foolish asked. "Won't he tell people then?" I ignored the question, mainly because I selfishly wasn't going to let George go.

"Let's just get on with this meeting." I stated. "We are already behind schedule." The group all seemed exhausted from waiting that long and all seemed eager to get this over with, even if it meant that George would be here and they didn't entirely trust him.

For about an hour we talked, the meeting was planned to go for longer but I decided not to keep everyone here for much longer since they'd already been waiting for me for a while. The group thanked me and gathered up the pieces of paper that Sapnap had handed them with information on an upcoming job we had, trying to steal some gold bars from another mafia.

George was sitting patiently beside me, somehow he had kept interested the entire time, while I had expected him to get bored and start staring out the window, or maybe fall asleep. He was silent the entire meeting though, despite trying to curiously look over my shoulder at what I was reading.

"Come on," I said as I stood up. "I have some stuff to do in my office, but after that we can go back to watching the movie in the other room if you want."
"Sure," he responded. "I'm right behind you." I began walking to the door and ten seconds later he hurried after me, shutting the door behind him as he did.

We walked to my office with him right beside me. The two of us were in pace with each other and I couldn't help but smile down at the brunette as we went.
1198 words

Happy birthday George

Because of his birthday I said that I'd do a second chapter, but then I couldn't really be bothered.

So if you were looking forward to a second chapter tonight then I'm sorry (not really sorry, but yk). But also for George's birthday, I am also currently having a smut chapter being written (didn't even intend for it today, but now it's special).

Have a nice night 😁

Let's hope George doesn't do anything stupid to celebrate such as sending mafia information to a pair of police officers, or try to run and immediately get caught.
The usual.

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