Chapter 68: Breakfast

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George POV.

Karl was right about having more than enough shades of concealer, and he was right that he did have one that would suit me. So after I had changed into my own clothes (which I would never admit are much less comfy than Clay’s clothes), he dragged me into the bathroom and taught me how to apply the concealer so that it looked natural.

I wasn’t as good as he was with make up, and after telling me off for getting it so badly wrong several times, he took over and did the concealer himself, finishing just before there was a knock on the door for my breakfast delivery.

The door was answered by Karl, because I told him that someone who is supposed to be working at the mafia to pay off debt would be suspected of trying to kill Dream if I was seen in here. While it seemed that he agreed with my reasoning, the actual reason why I made him do it was because I didn’t want him to see me limping around too much.

He grabbed the food and thanked the man who brought it for us before we walked over to the large couch facing the TV and collapsed in front of it. Neither of us focused on the tv for a minute though as the food that I had ordered looked, and smelled much more enticing. Both of us opened the bag and took out cardboard and plastic containers of food one at a time.

I couldn’t help but feel the urge to start drooling at the delicious smells, although I was slightly disappointed because it obviously wasn’t going to look as good as it usually did. In the restaurant everything would be organised nicely on plates, but now everything was shoved into its own individual box or container so it could be delivered here.

We pulled each box out one at a time and opened everything, looking over what food was there, and the ‘Everything Breakfast’ truly lived up to its name. There were two slices of french toast, six pieces of bacon, two hash browns, two sausages, two poached eggs, two fluffy pancakes, two waffles, cooked tomatoes, cooked mushrooms, and fruit.

In an even smaller series of containers there was also maple syrup and whipped cream, in case I wanted to add either of those to my pancakes, waffles, or french toast. We laid out all of the food before us and just took everything in. The boxes covered half of the small table that was set out in front of us.

“God that smells so honking good.” Karl practically moaned, and I laughed as I glanced over at him. “Which celebrity chef did Dream pay off to make these?”
“No chef,” I answered, “these are from a restaurant that we went to all the time as kids.”

“I’ll have to get Sapnap to bring me to this restaurant for breakfast one day.” Karl decided. “I just have to be able to wake him up early enough for breakfast.”
“Dream and I used to go there every Wednesday morning before school for breakfast, but then we wouldn’t be able to eat anything until the afternoon, it’s so filling.”

I honestly hated referring to Clay as Dream, especially now that I knew the mafia boss was my best friend and boyfriend from back in high school. But I didn’t want Karl to find out who he was, especially from me. So I took a deep breath before asking the next question, “do you want to share some of my food? We could watch TV or something while we ate.”

Karl agreed, standing up and telling me that he’d run down to the kitchen to get some knives and forks, since there weren’t any in the bag of food that we’d gotten. While he was gone I grabbed one of the hash browns, nibbling on it slowly since I didn’t want to begin eating everything before Karl got back.

The hash brown was half gone by the time Karl actually did return. He passed me one knife and one fork before sitting down to eat with the other knife and fork. He also had brought up a carton of orange juice from the kitchen along with two glass cups to drink out of, and two plates for us to pile food onto instead of eating out of the cardboard boxes.

“You brought a lot more than you needed to.” I chuckled lightly as he poured a glass of the juice for himself. “I thought you were just bringing a knife and a fork.”
“I just thought about more stuff we needed,” he responded.

”Orange juice isn’t my favourite, being completely honest.” He huffed out as he set the carton back down on the table. “But that’s the only drink that’s left from your party last night. Other guys at the mafia have raided the fridge of the other juices and sodas that we brought for you.”

“Orange is good enough,” I replied, pouring myself a glass and taking a sip. I wasn’t one to typically drink juice, and it definitely wasn’t my favourite flavour, but I’d manage. I then piled up half of the bacon on my plate and began digging in while a cop show played on the TV, which we watched in between eating and the occasional chat.

Both of us were happy and when shouting came from the TV it caught my attention. Conversations from the police characters on screen about them doing a raid on the home of a gangster and…

Wait a minute…

“Shit!” I yelled out as I suddenly stood up, knocking the table and not caring as the orange juice almost sloshed out of our glasses. I remembered all of the messages that I had sent and received from Techno.and Wilbur, in which they told me about their plan to raid the mansion, today. The day after my birthday.

“George?” Karl questioned, immediately concerned after my short and sudden outburst, and also seemingly worried about the juice spilling. “What’s wrong?”
“I messed up Karl,” I responded with a shake of my head. “I did something stupid and now everybody here could be in danger.”

“What?” He asked again, not hearing or understanding a word that I said. “What the honk are you talking about George?” I didn’t respond as I began to sprint out of the room, not caring about the pain that Clay had caused me, my legs as I hurried down the corridor, planning on sprinting down to the blond’s office and telling him everything.
1106 words

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